5th of October, talked with an angel

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Hello to my special person in the whole world, thanks for being in my life, thanks for all you have done so far, and also thanks for yesterday, after days without knowing about you I could talk with you, my love; my gosh, was around few minutes of talking with you but for me was like a glass of water in the middle of a desert, thanks, I am more than thankful for being in my life and make me the happiest I have ever been.

As I always ask, wanna know something ?
I never knew how hard it was to not be with you, all those hours, days, thinking and thinking. however, when I only got the chance to talk with you these questions comes to my mind
- how are you, how you feel, how is family and your cats, how is training and self-check, also have you eat, love is food, food is love.
Wow, why I remember all those details,  perhaps I love our conversations, you, your life, all you share, I could spend hours listening about your day, with big and an endless smile, I love you darling.

Just in case you wonder, I am fine, family too and that little pug, hehehe, he already say you, and for sure, he already loves you. Also, if something terrible ever happens to me, I will say it, not gonna hide it, you know my past, my dreams and fears, all my life, I will share all of me.

Well, time to sleep, I wish you the best, I will always support you and encourage in your projects, you can do it babe, go for it, fight, always cheer for you. Take care my love, and if you ever feel low or without energy ..... remember, I love you, this nerdy Intj loves you. Tonight, I will dream with you.

Intj nerd and Enfp potato girl, letters for youWhere stories live. Discover now