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"Haerin POV"

Ever since that day when I broke down, Y/N has been different. I didn't know if I liked it or not... It's just that she's not whiny and clingy anymore, it was like she was a totally different person. Yes, I know I have an issue mentally, but I'm not kidding. Here are a few examples. 

First, whenever I got home from the cafe, I would find her in her room, studying some book that I couldn't make out. Then, I would find my room clean, like CLEAN. She cleaned my room and made sure that it was free of dust, she arranged my books neatly and made sure my bed is neat and tidy, without wrinkles. Then, I would find food in the kitchen, like cooked food, and every day had a different menu. It was chicken noodle soup the other day made by Hanni, and then it was fried rice and steak. Then, I would find my clothes all washed, and laundry all hung up. It was like I didn't have to do anything when I get home. It feels really weird. 

Well, if you want to know how I know it was her, well I might or might not have accidentally forgotten my keys to the cafe in my other pants, and I went back to take them. When I opened the door, I heard a low humming coming from my room, so like any other person, I took the nearest weapon I could find, a broom. I crept up the stairs and peeked into my room slowly, but what I expected to be an intruder turned out to be Y/N, she was humming to the music she was playing and she was happily wiping my table, arranging my table and straightening out my bed. Then she went and lie on my bed which made me arch an eyebrow. Why was she lying on my bed? But what I saw, made me blush, she was sniffing my bed and she sprawled face down on top of my bed, she lay there and took a nap for maybe half an hour... Then, after that I just ran out of the house, panting, trying to take in whatever I saw. I tried to confront her but I didn't have the courage to, not when I broke down and screamed at her. 

It was getting frustrating, Minji and Hanni had a talk with me and they knew everything but decided to keep quiet and let us settle our issues. I had everything I wanted to say, and honestly, I was doing well keeping everything in until I reached the breaking point.

It was just like any random day, I came back from the cafe, tired and hungry, and I'm not going to lie, I was looking forward to what Y/N cooked for me, but when I reach the house, I saw someone I never thought I'd see again, I saw Hyein. She was with Danielle and Y/N, they were giggling and laughing like best friends, they hugged and it wasn't until I walked closer that they realised my presence. 

"Oh, Haerin! Back from work? I thought I come to see the little cutie", Danielle said giving me her signature bright smile. 

I nodded and stared at Y/N, waiting for her to say something when Hyein stood in front of her. 

"Haerin, can't you see she's uncomfortable? Give her some space."

"What does it got to do with you?"

"Because I'm going to start chasing her."

I widened my eyes not believing what I just heard. 


Y/N flinched and hid behind Hyein's back while Hyein hugged her gently. "You heard me Haerin, I'm going to start chasing Y/N. I explained everything to Minji, Hanni, and Y/N. I've been coming to your home a lot and spending a lot of time with them, they agreed to forgive me and within that time, Y/N and I developed feelings for each other."

"W-what? Y/N tell me this isn't true. I thought we were together?"

Y/N kept quiet and hugged Hyein, not wanting to talk to me.

"Haerin, can't you understand? She told me everything, she doesn't like you anymore. Accept it and respect it please."

I couldn't believe what I just heard, I staggered a few steps back and I didn't help but caught Y/N stepping forward and stretching out a hand but realised what she was doing and kept her hand. That action was like someone took a knife and ran it through my heart, and it hurt like a bitch. I could feel my nose turning sour as I pushed through everyone and ran up to my room before anyone could catch me crying. My room was neat and tidy, I was sure Y/N cleaned it for me like usual, but why did she suddenly like Hyein? It had been so long since Hyein disappeared but she suddenly appeared and suddenly said she liked Y/N... But that was my girlfriend. That was my Y/N. 

As I continue to try and find the reason behind their actions, tears began to fall as I cry uncontrollably into my pillow. My heart hurt, my head hurts, and I fell asleep crying. It wasn't until I heard someone knocking on my door that I woke up. I opened the door to see Minji's worried look, but she was the last person I want to see right now. I feel betrayed, both Minji nor Hanni didn't tell me that Hyein came back and was spending time with my girlfriend, and now, they were together. Hyein and Y/N were together and I was the one that was left behind. 

"Hey, Haerin... I just wanted to check on you, you didn't eat the dinner that Y/N left for you. You okay?"

"Go away Minji, I don't want to see you right now."

"No. I'm worried about you Haerin, you need to eat. Hanni told me you were crying for an hour before you fell asleep. We're your friends and we are worried."

Minji gave me a stern look when I scoffed, "Friends? Do you guys know y'all were my friends? Why did you choose to ignore the fact that Hyein was stealing my girlfriend in the house that I lived in? Better yet, you guys forgave her, and decided that it was okay!?"

I started choking up and felt my eyes sting when I feel tears start to well up and I was getting emotional. Minji walked forward to try and hug me but I stepped back, I didn't want to do anything with them. I close the door until I heard Minji yelp in pain, I turn around fast and saw her hand bruising up. This idiot had used her arm to stop the door from closing. I frowned as I furrowed my eyebrows and glared at her. 

"Come in", I took the first aid kit from the drawer and sat down beside her on my bed. 

I tend to her bruise and after I was done, I kept the first aid kit and faced away from her. 

"Haerin, please..."

"No, get out Minji."


I ignored her but suddenly, I felt arms wrap around me as Minji hugged me gently, stroking my arm softly as if she was comforting me. I don't know what came over me but I lost it. I start bawling tears that I had kept back and they flowed out all at once. 

"Ssh... It's okay Haerin, let it all out. I'm here."

I continue sobbing and bawling and I felt Hanni come and hug me and it soon became a group hug. I sobbed between Hanni's and Minji's arms but somehow, I felt safe. I stopped after I don't know how long but it felt like I was crying for ages, I felt tired and drained. 

"Are you okay Haerin? If you want to tell us something we're always here."

"I-It's just... I spent all this time with Y/N and did so much for her... A-And s-she... *sob* she just spends time with Hyein a few times and she fell for her? It's so unfair... Is it because I'm broken tell me, guys... I know I'm not what some people would want but I really love her. Please... P-pl *chokes up* Please... I want her back... She's my everything I-I..."

I cried again, everything was too much. I couldn't believe what I was facing and it felt like the end of the world. 

"Hanni and I want to apologise Haerin, we didn't know it was going to turn out like that. If we knew, we would have stopped them... Don't blame Danielle too, she had no idea what was going on. She's just happy to be with Y/N. Tell you what, how about you eat something and then we all cuddle in bed together? We can sleep together and then first thing tomorrow we can talk about it. You're tired Haerin, look at your eyebags."

 I nodded as I forced myself to eat something and Minji and Hanni dragged me into the showers. After showering, they pulled me to my bed which was big enough for all of us and they hugged me on each side. For the first time in a while, I felt like I was protected and it made me happy. It feels like I'm home. I fell asleep to their light snores late in the night with a little smile on my face knowing I gained friends that would last.



I'm Home |  Haerin X Y/NDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora