27. The Tale of Leo Galló, Pt.1

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry." - Leo shook his head. - "I didn't mean to make you remember painful history." - The teen laughed. - "Well, let's talk about something else, the previous topic was depressing." - He turned to Scrooge. - "What are you looking for anyway?"

The old duck put his untouched MRE packet down and reached into his red-coat, retrieving a leather-clad journal from a cushioned-pocket. - "It's called the 'Storm-Maker'." - He proclaimed, opening the book before handing it to Leo, who had also put his food down.

A double-page spread was dedicated to the treasure. Most of it was background, lore about how those who inherited the hidden temple in the Alps came to inherit it. 

But there was also a ancient drawing of the artefact... The Storm-Maker was a pure golden staff, measuring around 7-foot in length, topped with what looked a cracked white gem. Looking closer, the young Italian noticed that the gold part was intricately engraved with what looked like clouds, thunderbolts and tornadoes.

Apart from that, the dedication also included a description of the power it possessed. Which of course, was the power to create and control any type of weather-event.

Leo chuckled. - "You think with the amount of time I've spent in these mountains, I'd stumble across a hidden temple at least once in my life."

"You'd be surprised by the amount of times we've completely missed the obvious."

With a burp, Donald alerted the rest of the group to his finishing of the MRE- the only one of the four to do so.

"I think you're the only person I've ever led up these mountains that's finished one of those." - Leo admitted.

"I'm going to bed." - Donald yawned, pulling his sleeping bag off of his bag and laying it out, before promptly collapsing on it. Having only stayed awake for as long as he did, was to get something to eat.

"I'm going to bed as well." - Scrooge proclaimed. - "Keep it down will you?". - Following his nephew's example and setting out his sleeping bag, having the decency to actually get under the covers, unlike Donald.

Seconds later the Scotsman was soundly snoring and only Leo and Della were left awake.

"We should probably get some sleep as well." - He whispered, not wanting to disturb the two sleeping ducks. - "We've got a lot of climbing to do tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess " - She muttered back, pausing for a moment. - "Goodnight."

Putting a lid on the campfire, Leo smiled. - "Goodnight." - He responded, as the fire was snuffed out.


   A couple of hours later, Della awoke. 

It was still dark out, but it was early and it wouldn't be long till the sun rose. The storm had clamed to the point where it was nothing more than a light flutter of snow.

Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she took a look at the rest of her group, her Brother was in a deep sleep a couple feet away, snoring away. While Leo was also napping on the other side of the extinguished campfire.

Uncle Scrooge however, was missing.

Not wanting to wake the others until she knew something was definitely wrong, she quietly got out of her sleeping bag and tip-toed out of the cave.

Out of the cavern, she spotted her Uncle sitting the furthest he possibly could away from the entrance to the cave, his old oversized flashlight placed beside him, giving off the same amount of light as a small bonfire.

Creeping closer, she could finally hear his Scottish accent over the roar of the winds. He was talking to someone, which was impossible as the only other two people on the mountainside were fast asleep.

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