Twenty6-Part 1

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"You can't eat Crackers with peanut butter and pickles Taylor."

"Pleaseeeee.And my feet hurts you need to rub them."

"Okay I'll be there soon."

"Don't come without my requested items from the market.Goodbye."

"Wait-"I know her ass just ain't hang up in my face.

Im still working in Willows building,I actually kinda like it.I get my own office and don't have to interact with anyone.

All I do is make willows schedule,flit with the females,listen to the rich white men complain complain about their wives,and hear corny jokes.

It's actually this one girl she's in intern here.Her name is Kobe,I flirt with her a lot.Short, brown skin somewhat funny,but she's really nice and pretty.She don't take my ass serious though,being loyal to her nigga and all.

So we just friends I'm fine with that doe.

Looking at the clock to see that I got only 5 more hours left.But since it was 1:30 it was my lunch,I was gon have it to KB like usual but her and her friend kicking it today.

I ate the food that Tay brought home like 3 days ago.I honestly kept forgetting it was in the refrigerator until she handed it to me on my way out this morning.

Bro Reek🖤

Signed the contract!Bottles on me all night?

Idm I'm on shit after work

Down at Plazz?

Not really my thing.
But I'd slide.
What time?

Like 1?But I need you to ride out with me before then.Hit you later.

Read 2:30 pm

Plazz was like a club/lounge type of thing.It wasn't never me and Peso's thing so he never really went and my I would go on occasion.Reek stayed up in there so much he didn't even have to pay a entry fee anymore.

The occasion would be being Reek opening up his own club.I'm happy for him.He already hired Meezy and Z'yah as bottle girls why I don't even know.Z'yah had a real good job Mezzy just used niggas but kept a job from time to time doe.

The rest of the Day was smooth I didn't really do much.The building usually be calm on Friday since everyone wants to get home.I was tired so I Just decided to go to sleep before the club.Getting up from my desk I went to clock out and to leave all Wills documents on her desk.

Pulling up to my house I turned off the car sitting there for a minute before going in.Walking past Keys who was sleeping in his dog bed then emptying out my pockets and putting my gun on the kitchen counter.

"Damn his ass greedy as fuck."I said looking down at his empty food bowl and water.The vet said that he's over weight so I had to change his diet.He hate it so much and didn't interact with me for a few days.

After my shower I had to wake him up to take his walk.He wasn't happy about that neither.He's been sick for a few days but the vet said that it's a regular cold and that he'll be fine.

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