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It's been about 2 months since everything has happened.I've been staying with Willow and haven't been home since,if I need something I send someone to go get it.The only time I see Taylor is at doctors appointments.

We don't say anything to each other,I can't lie she's looks happy,healthy and stomach is getting bigger everyday and I'm too happy about being a dad.

I text her only to see if she's okay and she responds with 'yes' and that's it.I can't lie I actually miss her but stuff between us better off like this for now.

We have a few more weeks before we get to find out the gender and I'm way more then excited.

But on the other hand me?Willow has been helping me find a job which pays good money and long but not soo long hours.As for right now I'm her personal assistant,she works in a company build downtown.

It's...okay.It's different.

Her and her Boss has been very helpful,I actually thought that he would've been a bitch about it but no and I appreciate that a lot.I've never had an strong support group.

I've been threading myself off the streets lately.Even started sleeping more and eating better.Not stop smoking though ion know about that one.

I go to the block most days but not everyday like before.I still need to get paid everyday,I'm not used to a pay check every 2 weeks.The pay good but still.

I always had a thing for houses so I have interviews for real estate agent.I hope they go good.

"Hey ugly I'm finna go to the market you need anything?I'm also stealing your dog." Willow asked me coming from out the kitchen smiling.

She's a genuinely a good and nice kind hearted person.I have to pay her back for all this even though she refuses.

"Uh nah I'm good.And fine take him,trading ass." I said going back to playing the game.

"Marley?Taymar Cuban!" Once I heard her calling my name I looked over at her seeing concern on her face.The same concern look she been giving me since I've been here.

"I know Will.It's just I-"

"Your not a burden I don't care if you stay here for 20 years!I want you to feel comfortable and have your own things too.Now...what do you want from the market Mr.Stubborn." She said asking me again.

I've been acting like a scared stranger towards her and she hates it a lot.I never ask anybody for favors,not even my own brother.Who was actually upset that I ain't stay with him,but was understanding about if I did, then I wouldn't be doing better now.

Him and my aunt is really proud of me.I'm even proud of me for the first time in my life.I know she probably would be too.

"Ok alright fine give me a piece of paper so I can write down what I want."I said getting up pausing the game so I can go to the kitchen to find out what I would want cause it's not in there.

When I finished my scouting I wrote down my list and waited for her to come back downstairs from showering.I played and bonded with Keys cause I feel like I've been abandoning him recently.

"Well damn this is the whole market.This must be your backed up 2 months worth of food." She said making me laugh kinda.

"Chill.I'm ready to be more comfortable,besides ima be here for 20 years.Minds well make the best of it." I said relaxing more on the couch and putting my feet up on the coffee table.

"Aht Aht I ain't say that damn comfortable.But okay if they don't have what you want or something different or-matter of fact I'll just call you if I have any difficulties.Come on Kekey's."

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