Chapter 6: Time To Travel Far

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Paliborn had stayed up late, unable to shake off the grip of a strange nightmare, and awaited Lena's arrival at dawn. When the soot-covered woman finally arrived, Paliborn couldn't help but notice her right hand wrapped tightly around her palm. Without uttering a word, he fell asleep. Despite his injury from the day before, Paliborn felt much better when he awoke. His first order of business was to stretch his limbs and cleanse his face outside the tent. Allendra and Lena were already awake, their matresses and some rag bags were tied and packed.

"Good morning, Pal," Allendra greeted from afar, struggling to bear the heavy bucket. The halfling rushed to assist her.

"What's this, Eli?" he asked groggily.

"Goat's milk for breakfast and our journey," she replied.

"Setting off on a journey?" Paliborn inquired, attempting to grasp the situation.

"Yes, Pal. We depart from this town today. You're coming with us, aren't you?"

Paliborn shrugged noncommittally, his gaze scanning the crowd for Lena. The witch woman, with a bandaged hand and a bundle on her back, emerged from the gathering throng of the fair. The halfling grinned and waved at her.

"Are you departing, my lady?" he inquired steadfastly.

The witch woman sneered, as was her wont. Paliborn was accustomed to this sort of disdainful glance, so he merely smiled in response.

"Yes, it's time for us to leave this town. I have decided to head towards another settlement via the southern route." she said.

"May I join you? At least until we reach a crossroads. My ultimate destination is the Quartry," Paliborn proposed.

Bbefore the woman could respond, Allendra quickly interjected, "That would be marvelous, Pal. You promised to teach me how to distinguish different mushrooms. We could practice on the road."

The woman scowled, about to reprimand the young girl, but then thought better of it and relented.

"Fine. We depart in an hour," Lena declared.

"That's wonderful, my lady. My pony horse and some of my possessions are lodged at the inn. I shall rendezvous with you at the town's entrance," Paliborn replied ecstatically.

The halfling hurried towards the Red Wing Inn, his steps quickening as he drew closer. Once inside, he was met with the suspicious gazes of the innkeeper and the other townsfolk. They regarded him with questioning eyes, their suspicion palpable. Seeking to understand their unwelcoming behavior, he lingered for a brief moment and surreptitiously eavesdropped on their conversations.

"They say Arvid may have met his end," one murmured.

"He was already half in the grave with drink," another interjected. "Perhaps he choked on his own vomit like the fool he was."

"Didn't he follow that cursed witch last night?" a third voice chimed in.

"Yes, I seem to recall something of that nature," the first speaker agreed. "I worry that she may have had a hand in it."

"Nonsense," the second speaker scoffed. "She's naught but another drunken whore."

Disgusted by their callous words, the halfling decided he had heard enough. He ascended the stairs to his room, gathered his belongings, and retrieved his pony from the barn. But as he stepped out into the daylight, two town guards blocked his path.

"Halt, halfling. Where do you think you're off to?" one demanded.

"I am departing this fine town, good sirs. My destination lies in Quartry. Is there a problem?" Pailborn inquired.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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