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Third person POV
It was another day..everything was same..mrs.jeon cake back to Korea..
And had the spare keys of the she went inside..and nobody was there..
This time..she decided to go to the police file a report..

"How many he been missing.." the police officer asked..

"I don't know..I was in America..but I think it's been more then a week.." Mrs.jeon spoke as the officer nodded..

"But not only did your son disappear..his friends as well right.?.." the police officer said.

"Yes.." Mrs.jeon answered..

"Ma'am I think your son probably ran away with his freinds..." the police officer said..

"wth? I came here to file a report..and help me find my son and his friends and your just assuming stupid things.." Mrs.jeon angrily spoke..
She explained all the details to the police..of what his son do and everything..

"Okay after listening to the information...I'll assign a detective.." the police officer..spoke standing up..

"Yeah please do that..and I want the best detective.." Mrs.jeon spoke as the officer nodded.

"I'd spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more ~oh if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of— "shut the fuck up"
Yoongi annoyingly said cutting jungkook off..who glared at yoongi..

"You've been singing this freaking song for the 5th time now.." yoongi grumbled annoyed..

"I couldn't even punk.." yoongi said as he lays down on the sofa again..

"Mommy don't know daddy's getting ho-  *smack*
Yoongi smacked jungkook on his head...while cursing at him..

"Why cant i sing?.." jungkook said raising his voice a little..

"Respect me you bitch..or I'll make you respect me.." yoongi said glaring at the boy who didn't care at all..

Jungkook huffed angrily before storming meet his boyfie..

"Hey babe.." jungkook said back hugging taehyung who was using his phone..

Jungkook is getting rejected by everyone..first namjoon then jin and now yoongi..everyone said he was annoying..
but he knew taehyung will never say he is he came to his boyfriend..

Jungkook started to sing again..but taehyung just ignored him..then jungkook decided to kiss his neck..
Then he started to suck then bite..which made taehyung..annoyed.

"Jungkook your so annoying...get off.." taehyung said as he rolled his eyes..

"Did you just rolled your eyes at me.." jungkook made an dramatic facial expression...

"Oh yeah I did.." taehyung scoffed..jungkook jumped on him and started tickling him..
Which made him laugh so hard..and jungkook just enjoyed his giggles..
After some seconds he stopped....

"Please don't..ignore me..I'm bored.." jungkook made puppy taehyung sighed..opening his arms.
And jungkook ran into his arms..and stared to kiss his all over his face..
and taehyung giggled. (a/n:I love being single 🙂)

Jungkook then connected their they kissed softly..before it turned into a heated and fierce one..
Jungkook bit his bottom lips..and sucked them..which made taehyung to moan..
Jungkook started to give hickies on his taehyung moaned..(a/n: I feel shy shy when I write this stuff 😳)

"K-kook agh~ s-stop n-now.." taehyung couldn't speak properly because of the pleasure..
Taehyung pushed jungkook..when he showed no signs of stopping..

"Baby no I want more.." jungkook said pouting..but taehyung knew what jungkook wanted..
But how the hell can they do it in a haunted house they are trapped in....what if a spirit sees it..taehyung thought..

"No baby..we will do it..once we get out of here.." taehyung said as he went inside the washroom..
As jungkook rolled his eyes..

"As if we ever will..." jungkook mumbled to himself..wanting to do so many things with taehyung..
He looked around..the room..feeling somewhat discomfort to do anything here..

Eyes still on them..watching there every move..

The end of chapter
Next chapter coming soon
♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎ ♣︎
Thanks for Waiting
Sorry for this boring chapter..

Trapped (vkook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora