"I getting busy and I sometimes forget to take care of myself because I rarely have the time to rest and relax...", Sakura started off, earning a nod from Nako who's been the one convincing Sakura to take care of herself.

                    "Is that why you took a 2 week break?", Yujin curiously asked the older. Sakura shook her head 'no' as an answer. "That was because I had another job and didn't have enough time to fit streaming into my schedule", Sakura muttered. "I just didn't stop 'cuz that's the only escape I have at that time from reality", they all nodded along as they understand what Sakura meant. They all have their own way to escape from reality.

                    They all had took turns in sharing their own little stories to each other from Minju's story of how she met Yuri by having her clumsy self come out to Wonyoung sharing that Yujin and her once had a drink together which then got the two of them in a handful of scolding from the oldest. Now, Only Yujin and Hyewon are the only ones who weren't sharing yet.

                  "Hyewon can share hers later on", Eunbi said which earned nods from the rest. Now, they all turned their heads towards Yujin, waiting for her to speak up, expecting a funny story to come out from her. Wonyoung had a worried expression as she looked at the older, remembering what Yujin said on their way to the park.


                   Yujin got the car door open for Wonyoung to which the younger lets out a small 'thank you' in return. Eunbi and Hyewon went on ahead, driving off to the park first. After Wonyoung has settled on the car, Yujin went in, being awfully quiet since she went out of Eunbi's room.

                    Being worried for the older, Wonyoung glanced at Yujin, seeing that the latter was again having a poker face on. "Unnie... What did you talk about with Eunbi-unnie earlier?", finally letting out that question, Yujin looked at Wonyoung. "Those eyes... They're empty" , Wonyoung sadly thought to herself as she brought her hand to hold the latter's.

                    "I'm planning on telling them", those were the words that came out of Yujin's mouth. Hearing that, Wonyoung held Yujin's hand tighter in an attempt to offer comfort to the latter. "I'm... also thinking of finally confronting Dad", Yujin continued as she stared straight ahead. This had Wonyoung silent as she just tried to comfort the older silently.

                   "Eunbi said that the others were actually noticing it but were wary enough to not ask me directly and I feel like they're aware of you knowing what I'm going through also... She just said that her and the other unnies have their ears wide open if ever I wanted to open up about something... That struck me... I felt like I have another family ready to welcome me whenever I felt like coming home", Yujin muttered her voice cracking at the end of her sentence.

                  "And even before that I already messaged Mom about having something to say when I get home... I think I'm ready with whatever happens 'cuz I have you and the unnies by my side", Yujin ended her speech with her turning her head to face the younger, her eyes blurry from the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

                 Wonyoung raised her free hand and patted the latter's head, smiling sweetly at her. "I'm proud of you, unnie... No matter what, we're here...", Wonyoung softly uttered, having nothing but sincerity in her voice. Yujin nodded finally having a smile on her face.

End of Flashback

                  "Well...", Yujin started off, having the full attention of all the girls. "This may be a bit of a change of mood but...", Yujin said with a chuckle but it wasn't hard to notice that she was far from being the sunshine Yujin that she is and this made the girls, especially Chaeyeon and Yena, to turn serious as they have a feeling of where this is going. Eunbi just sends an encouraging  nod at the younger, to which the younger smiles at.

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