Chapter 27

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Sakura just got out from the shower and walked to her gaming room, her phone starts ringing as soon as she boots up her PC. Without looking at the caller's ID, she answered the call, thinking that it's just her mother checking up on her.

"Kkura-chan! What are you doing? Do you have any plans for today?", a cute voice came from the other side. With that, Sakura immediately recognized who the caller was and giggled.

"Nako-chan! I'm actually planning on playing some games on my PC for the rest of the day...Why did you ask?", Sakura said as chose to play some fall guys. She then heard some noises coming from outside her house.

"Then can you open the door for us? It's getting cold out here... You know Hii-chan doesn't like the cold", Nako said before her giggles were heard from the call and faintly from the outside.

"Eh?! You're outside my house?", Sakura exclaimed before quickly standing up from her gaming chair, turning off her PC. "Yeah, so can you just open the door for us? Hii-chan is getting co- ouch! Hii-chan, why did you hit me?", Nako whined when Hitomi smacked her in the head before getting the phone from her friend.

"Sakura-unnie, Nako-chan is just joking... We came here to hang out with you... You barely come out anymore", Hitomi said before handing back the phone to Nako who's desperately trying to reach it while Hitomi has her hand on her head preventing her from getting closer. Nako released a relieved sigh when she got back her phone and checked if the call is still going.

"I already ended the call by the way", Hitomi said with a grin, receiving a groan from Nako. "C'mon Hii-chan, I was ju-", Nako was cut off by the sound of a gate opening, revealing Sakura looking at them expectantly.

"Kkura-chan!", Nako jumps to the girl as soon she saw her, with Hitomi just calmly hugged the older. "What's with you guys appearing in my house all of a sudden?", Sakura asked as she opened the gate for them to enter and they walk towards the front door. "We just missed you, that's all... You barely even hang out with us anymore... You barely come out of your house", Nako said while Sakura opens the door for them.

"Isn't Hitomi a homebody too?", Sakura teasingly asked as she looked at the latter. "I made her come out of her shell", Nako said proudly as she crossed her arms. "You're next Kkura-chan", she continued, making Sakura chuckle at her confidence. "Yeah, I think Kkura-unnie is a hard one to break, Nako-chan", Hitomi said with a chuckle.

Nako and Hitomi naturally sat on the sofa with Sakura just following them. "Don't you have any streams today?", Nako asked the older as she glances at the clock, seeing that its almost time for Sakura to start streaming. "Oh... I already cancelled the stream... I won't be streaming for the next 2 weeks", Sakura said as she released a light chuckle.

This made Nako and Hitomi look at her weirdly, Nako even had her brows raised at the older. "Eh? Why? You don't usually cancel streams, let alone spend 2 weeks without streaming something", Nako asked, confused at the latter's decision. Hitomi nodded along with Nako's question, also curious herself.

"Hmm... I'm just busy with other things", Sakura answered. Nako squinted her eyes at Sakura's vague answer, not fully convinced with it but decided to just not ask further. "So what do want to do? I assume you guys didn't come here just to disturb me, right?", Sakura asked them as she got up from the sofa and looked at the two exchanging stares.

"Oh c'mon... I can't exactly say that you're wrong about the second one but did you really have to say it?", Nako said with a giggle, causing the latter to laugh. "Let's just hang out here... I don't feel like going out", Hitomi suddenly said. "Eh? Hii-chan? But I thought we will be going out to eat? What about that desert that you want to try?", Nako rapidly asked the latter which made her chuckle a little at Nako's reaction.

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