Chapter 20

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             Hyewon went drove down the street with no destination in mind, just her driving around. The streets were fairly populated, with a few people walking along the streets, probably going home from their work.

           Hyewon decided to just stop by a park and just relax over there. She parked her car nearby and stepped out of the car. Walking through to park, she takes a deep breath, feeling all the frustration built-up inside her slightly go down.

            She silently sits down on one of the benches and just stared at the blanket of stars above her. She zoned out as she lets her mind take her through a journey.

"It's such a beautiful sight, I wonder if I could be like that..."

"The stars illumating the sky... Does their light ever falter?..."

"Do they sometimes just let it all out if things get bad, expload and dissappear?... "

"I wish I could shine just like that... To bring light to someone..."

"or maybe I what I truly wish for is to just expload and dissa-"

            "Can I sit here?", Hyewon heard a voice from beside her asked, cutting her from her thoughts, she turned her head to its direction.

"Oh-! Hyewon-ah!"


              Eunbi was scrolling on her phone when she caught a glimpse of the time and remembered that she needs to cook something for their dinner. Eunbi then went out to the kitchen and checked the refrigerator for some ingredients.

             After seeing the things in the refrigerator, Eunbi decided to just cook some bibimbap for dinner. She went ahead and took out all the needed ingredients.

            After all the preparations for the bibimbap, Eunbi finally finished the dish and sets it up on the dining table. After doing so, Eunbi went to Areum's room to wake the little girl up.

             Eunbi walked to the room carefully and looked down on Areum, seeing the girl still peacefully asleep. Eunbi tapped the little girl's arm lightly. "Areum-ah... Wake up..", Eunbi said softly at Areum.

            She sees the girl shift a bit in her sleep but didn't open her eyes. "Baby... Wake up... Let's go eat dinner...", Eunbi again said softly with a light shake on the girl's shoulder.

             Areum groans and stretched her limbs, rolling around the bed. "Hm? Dinner?", Areum mumbled with a pout, her eyes still closed as she sits up.

            Eunbi chuckled at the young girl and sits on the bed, facing Areum. "Yup... So c'mon sweetie... The foods getting cold", Eunbi said, looking softly at Areum.

            "Eunbi-unnieeee", Areum called out reaching out her hands to Eunbi. "You want me to carry you?", Eunbi asked with a slight giggle. Areum nods, her eyes now half-open.

           "Aigoo... Such a baby", Eunbi muttered, lifting Areum up from the bed and carrying her out of the room and to the dining table.

             The two ate their dinner, with Areum cutely asking for Eunbi to feed her even though she can already feed herself, Eunbi unable to resist Areum's request. They ate their dinner deliciously and after that Areum again fell asleep waiting for Eunbi to finish washing the dishes.

               After washing the dishes, Eunbi sees Areum sleeping on the dining chair, her head resting on her arms placed on top of the table. Eunbi shaked her head at the sight, a small smile creeping in her lips.

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