last day on earth

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah. I guess I overslept." An awkward silence rushed over the two. Maya had so much to say, but none of it fit. There was no moving around the fact that she'd screwed up. "I, uh, I didn't think I'd see you here."

"You weren't supposed to see me at all." Emma remarked. "You're supposed to be on shift, remember."

"Right, yeah." Maya felt so out of place in her own home. She walked up to the surgeon, standing on the other side of the table. "Look, Em, I am so-"

"Sorry?" Emma questioned rhetorically. "Yeah, that wouldn't be the first time I heard that from you." The surgeon slung her bag over her shoulder, ready to escape what she considered to be her hell.

"Look, I know I've said it before, but I just want to talk." Maya raised her voice, praying that Emma would turn around. Indecisively, Emma's hand rested on the door knob. She wanted more than ever to be free of the mental strain Maya had been putting on her, but she knew she wouldn't be at peace until she heard what the firefighter had to say.

"How do I know you won't hurt me again?"


"You can't say this is the first time you've fucked it up. We've been dating for what, three weeks? And you've already hurt me twice. First with the monogamy bull shit and now flirting with other women. How do I know that you won't do it again?"

"Because I love you!" Maya blurted out, wide eyed, feeling more helpless than ever before.


"God, Emma, I love you so goddamn much! I am sorry I hurt you. I hate hurting you more than anything else on this planet. Please, just forgive me." Maya's pleads ended in a whisper, her voice decreasing steadily the more she spoke.

"I'm, uh, I-I..." Emma was at a loss for words. She'd prepared herself for everything she thought Maya would say trying to win her back. An 'I love you,' however, was certainly not one of them. "I'm gonna go to work."

"Em- Emma." But, no matter how much Maya spoke, there was no changing Emma's mind. Very flustered, the surgeon rushed down the hallway as quick as she could, more confused and lost than she'd felt in weeks.


station 19 // s2 e6 // last day on earth

"You came in late." Andy observed as Maya changed into her uniform.

"Yeah, I ran here today." Maya responded, throwing on her clothes as quickly as possible. "Just trying to burn off the day."

"The day just started." Andy remarked, leaning against the locker next to Maya's.

"Well, I had quite the morning."

"What happened?"

"I told Emma I loved her." Maya blurted out, unsure whether or not she actually regretted her actions from that morning.

Andy's eyes widened in complete shock. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Well, I think I need some context." Andy crossed her arms over her chest.

"She came by the apartment to get some patient files, and she was leaving, and I just blurted it out." Maya ranted.

"Well, did you mean it?"


"19, line up, now!" Sullivan projected sternly, all of his firefighters rushing into the barn.


EYES FORWARD-Maya BishopWhere stories live. Discover now