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We make dinner together and listen so music which feels odd because we have never done anything like that before.
We eat dinner together on the couch while watching a movie Jace looks at me and clears his throat.

"So i have been thinking about what you said earlier and I think it will be a good idea for you to join the mafia you can start training and work with me to start with just to understand how it works and you can get played way better than any other job."

"Okay that sounds good thanks you didn't have to agree, when do I start?"


"What tomorrow im not ready I have to pick and outfit and what do I take with me ?!"

"Relax love wear whatever you just have to look smart and you just take whatever you need for example phone snacks a drink charger laptop stuff like a normal job."

"Okay well i have to go plan my outfit and put some stuff in a bag, what time do we leave ?"

" we leave at about 8am"

"Oh that's late for you"

"Well actually that's on time I always used to leave early so I didn't have to see you because well you know I'm obsessed with you but you already know that because I told you then you kissed me."

He laughs to himself i just roll my eyes and go upstairs.

The next morning—

I wake up at 6am and get in the shower I wash my body and try not to fall asleep under the warm water over my skin.
After I have washed my hair I get out do my skincare and i blow dry my hair i give myself a bouncy blow dry so save time curling at after i dried it. I got dressed into a simple black dress with heels and a cropped blazer. My maker was simple on the eyes I did a simple brown Smokey eye and a dark red lip.

As I leave my room i grab my bag and shut my door Jace is already downstairs waiting for me.
God he always looks so hot when he goes to work because he always wears a white shirt with the top buttons undone and a silver chain peaks through the gap. With smart trousers and shoes.

"Hey beautiful you ready?"

Well he's never called me that before and I love it the way he looked at me when he said it gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"Yes i am let's go early because I need Starbucks."

"Okay let's go then."

We get in the car and start to drive I have never seen jaces work in newyork so I'm excited to see because this is where I will be working when I move to New York.

We arrive and Jace takes me to his office.

"So at the minute it's really busy and full here so you will have to share an office that okay ?"

"Um yeah with who?"

"Me, you will share an office with me."

"Oh okay thank god I was worried I would have to with a complete stranger on my first day."

"Ha well for the first few weeks you will be working with me just to see how it works and understand that sound okay?"

"Yep all good, what are we doing today ?"

"Well i have a guy the warehouse waiting for me he owes me money I have him six months and I found out that he did some things to someone that I won't mention but it's not good then I have a meeting this afternoon then just paperwork and then we go home."

"Okay sounds good and also sorry to change the subject but those apartment viewings are tomorrow can you still come?"

"Of course if i told you I'm gonna do something i will."

"Okay let's get to work."

Jace had a big office it was massive it had a huge window that looked over New York it had two desks a lounge area a coffee machine and a small fridge and a tv it was great I thought no I'm gonna enjoy this job.

"Okay here you go I forgot to give you this"

I look in his hands and he had a gun I mean don't get me wrong I loved it feels amazing to have so much power.

"Woah thanks"

I put it in a holder I have attached to my waist, we make our way to the ware house on the way Jace gives me some information on the guy we were about to interrogate.

"Okay so his name is Dominic he owes me $20.000 and he has done some horrifying things to his step daughter."

"Wow what a dick, so what's the plan then?

"Well I'm gonna speak to him about the money and you can do whatever you want and talk to him about his step daughter."

"Okay sounds good."

We arrived and Jace went to speak to him about the money he owed.I got myself a drink and saw Oliver.

He smiled when he noticed me

"Hey evie what are you doing here?"

" well i work here now with Jace ."

"Shit, I mean congrats if anyone could do this job it would be you and i can't believe your working with Jace he never let's anyone work with him."

"Oh I don't know that but good to know."

I see Jace step out with a cut lip my he comes up to me and touch his face to inspect for any other injuries.

"Are you okay, you hurt anywhere else?"

"No princess I'm fine all yours now."

I smile a wicked grin

" well boys i will see you later."

I smile at Oliver and wink at Jace

" call me if you need me."

I sway my hips while walking away I just wave my hand behind me as to say "don't be stupid I'm gonna be fine."

I walk in the room and see a tall man dark hair green eyes a thick dark bear definitely not my type.

"Well then I have heard some things about you and i most certainly do not like them so care to explain."

I find it odd he's not handcuffed to the chair Jace must not have done it.

"Hello beautiful what are you doing in a place like this shouldn't be doing something more suitable for a lady."

"Excuse me well shouldn't you be doing something better than touching an underage girl."

"Very funny but I haven't done anything."

I walk over and stand right in front of him

"Well I think the video evidence we have says different."

"You can't do anything my wife and lawyer will hear about this."

"I doubt they will consider your wife is the one that wants you gone."

He rolls his eyes and touches my thigh i pull out my gun and hit him in the head with it knocking him out.
I handcuff his hands to the back of his chair and I hear the door open.

"Evie are you okay he touched you."

"Jace I'm fine get out and let me do this."

He looks over at Dominic and sees I've got it covered.

"Right okay sorry."

He must've seen on the cameras.

Second part to this chapter coming next 🤍

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