I know this isn't goodbye forever, but it's still sad.

I'm gonna miss you, Liz.

It's not until her car is out of sight that I close the door and head back into my house for one last night.


With one suitcase in each hand, my mom and I stand on the riverbank, looking down at the swirling whirlpool below.

"I promise it's safe," I say, smiling reassuringly as my mom stares down at the swirling concoction of mist and water.

"Here." I toss in my suitcases, then hers, and hold my hand out to her. "We can go together."

"This is insane," she breathes, laughing at the ridiculousness of it. I laugh and nod.

"I know. But you'll see. Dad's home is past there. I can't wait for you to see it."

This time when my mom looks at me, I see the longing in her eyes. To get a piece of my dad back.

She takes my hand, and we jump.


Summer on Earthe is beautiful.

A warm afternoon breeze caresses my cheek, welcoming me back as we follow the path to Bhailewood I know by heart- only an hour or so trek by foot during the summer. I remember how long it felt when I first came here, tired and cold and trudging through shin deep snow.

Now the trees are blooming with green, the grass is covered in it as well. I never see any poison ivy, or ticks, or any harmful plants. Maybe nature doesn't hurt elves here. Pine needles, short grasses, flowers and ferns cover the forest floor as we trek through, our suitcases hauled in tow. Life is blooming everywhere I look, so different from the winter. It's beautiful.

When we reach the gates of Bhailewood I nearly cry in happiness. It's home. I'm finally home.

The gates open, a few guards welcoming me back and greeting my mother, who nods and smiles, looking at their clothes and pointy ears.

When we get the grand view of the city, of the doors in the huge trees, she freezes, wide-eyed, the same expression I no doubt wore the first time I came here.

I grab her hand, leaning my head on her shoulder as she covers her mouth with her hand, looking everywhere.

Clean cobblestone paths weave throughout the trees and the few ground-level wooden buildings. Everywhere that snow reigned months ago was now covered in neatly trimmed, vibrant green grass, tiny flowers of all colors poking up in the bigger valleys and patches of grass. Gardens sprouted even more plants, some so beautiful I knew they only existed on Earthe. Water fountains flowed freely, elven children running around, laughing in their summer attire. Streams I hadn't even seen during the winter wove through the city, bridges running over them. Elves lay in hammocks hung between branches hundreds of feet up, others sat on blankets in the grass, picnic baskets at their feet.

A smile spreads uncontrollably over my face as we walk to the castle. I soak in every single detail of Bhailewood. It feels like a piece of me that has been missing for months has finally filled in. Summer brings a special vibe to this place. It feels so alive, everyone around me is smiling and chatting or laughing.

I answer every single question my mom has on the way, which is a lot. By the time we get to the castle I think she's a bit overwhelmed, which doesn't surprise me.

I stare up at the tree, the leaves sprouting from the top, around the platform I knew was up there. Pure joy spread through every limb of my body.

My mom follows me as I head inside, greeting the guards cheerfully. I can barely feel the ache in my arms from carrying the suitcases all this way as we enter the foyer, greeted by that distinct smell that only this place carries. It's like the homey smell of your pillow when you're over at a friends for the night. It just smells like home.

✧The Earthe of the Elves✧حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن