Style #3 - your wallpaper

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Stan sat down next to Kyle. It was late, their parents were having dinner inside Kyle's house. Sheila thought it was an amazing idea to invite them over again, ranting about all the meals she was going to make. And Kyle? He didn't care, he was just glad that his super best friend was coming over.

"That was so good." Stan laughed. They were allowed to leave the table when they were done eating. Both parents thought it was fine for their children's bonding. Playing together outside as they hoped their parents wouldn't finish soon. Begging to stay over longer when they were done. It melted their hearts.

"My mom is the best. Hey Stan, I have an idea." Kyle said, turning his head to Stan who was already looking at him. They were sitting outside, the wind blowing through their hair. For once they decided they didn't need their hats outside and went without. It was already dark and South Park was quiet, only the street lights lightening up the streets.

"What is your idea?" Stan asked to allow Kyle to explain his idea. Laughter from inside their house could be heard in the background. Along with rustles of the grass.

"Butters let me in on a little secret. He said to tell nobody, not even you. But here I am, telling you." Kyle chuckled for a moment before going on; "apparently, Cartman plays roleplay with his plushies." He smirked as he said that.

Stan had to try his best to not burst out laughing. Cartman? Out of all people? It was mind blowing. "Really? And what about that?" Stan questioned even further. Cause this little secret wasn't an idea, so Kyle has something planned.

Kyle leaned into Stan to tell him his plan. As if Cartman was right there and he wasn't allowed to hear it. "I know for sure that he's playing right now, let's head over there." Kyle whispered.

Stan loved the idea and agreed without hesitation. He stood up and stuck his hand out te help Kyle up. Which Kyle happily took.

They headed inside and asked their parents if they could go out for a 'walk'. "Oh sure bubby, just be back by 9 and stick together!" Sheila replied, still eating. Stan also asked his parents, and when Randy said yes, they set off towards their frenemy's house.

"Dude I wonder if he is actually going to play with plushies." Stan commented. He had his hands shoved deep in his pockets and kept looking forward. Again, he didn't take his beanie. Kyle did take his ushanka now.
He glanced at Stan's hair blowing through the wind. The wind wasn't strong, but it wasn't weak either.

"Imagine." Kyle chuckled. He could only imagine so far but now he was going to see it. Only if Butters was telling the truth though. Yet he couldn't blame Butters, that poor boy got manipulated into all kinds of stuff. A lot resulted into him getting grounded or punished in other ways.

They were getting close to Cartman's house. It was close since South Park itself is a small place, hidden between mountains and covered in snow. Stan wanted to say something but shut his mouth when he heard Cartman's voice. It was coming from the backyard! Kyle looked over at Stan. He looked excited, eyes widened and a big grin plastered on his face.

"Holy shit." Stan whispers in shock. They start walking slowly to avoid making as less noise as possible. If they wanted to see something they had to be silent.

Cartman's backyard was closed off with a fence. A fence which was quite high for the two boys. The two super best friends stood there, staring up at the fence wondering what to do. Then Stan got an idea.

He moved closer to Kyle, placing his bare hand on his shoulder to catch his attention. He brought his mouth closer to Kyle's ear to whisper his plan. "What if one of us stands on top of the other?" He whispered into Kyle's ear.

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