Style #1, the high jew elf king

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(In this oneshot they are 16 and still friends like they are currently)

It has become average for Kyle and Stan to play Knight of the Night after school at Kyle's house. Today, was no difference. Kyle placed some popcorn on the table. "This is for the storyline, I heard this part was very cinematic." He explains to Stan. "Sounds promising." He replies, loading up the game.

Kyle has liked Stan for a while. In his terms, a 'while' is 4 years. He never dared to make a move, afraid it would ruin their relationship as 'Super best friends' and he was still waiting for the feelings to disappear. Yet now it looked like his love would never disappear. He wondered if Stan ever noticed that he acted differently, especially lately from the stress.

Kyle assured himself, today was no day for stressing about love, but it was time to play a game with his super best friend. He sat down beside Stan on the couch, placing the popcorn on his lap. "What part should we do first, 'The frog's tale' or 'Poisoned trails'?" Stan asks. "The Frog's tale sounds interesting, it involves that guide frog doesn't it?" "Oh yes! Let's do this one." Stan selected The frog's tale and they watched it.

It was hard to believe that this was a game. The storylines was like a series where each part was a good 20 minute episode. This part was no different. It showed many emotions and struggles, explaining lore from the characters in the game. By the end, the two of them were basically sobbing over the tragic death of the frog.

"How could the wizard do that! That's crazy!" Kyle asked, looking at Stan. "I don't know, but this actually reminds me of another wizard who would do this." Stan recalled. Kyle was curious to which wizard he meant, not knowing any other wizard than the one from the game.

"Remember a game we used to play when we were kids?" Stan said. "Which one? We played many." Kyle sat up straight now. "The one were you were some king and I was your soldier. Cartman was a wizard, remember?" The memories suddenly all came back to Kyle. He was reminded of the many times they played and defeated Cartman in battles. He loved those times, things were simple, things were exciting.

"Oh my god, yes, he would definitely do that too." Kyle agrees, giggling. "Yeah right! Should we play it again sometimes?" Stan proposes. Kyle was stunned, but for sure not disappointed. "Yes, that seems fun. Why not now?" Kyle placed the now empty bowl on the table and stands up. "Oh heck yes" Stan agreed.

Kyle had kept his branch crown and necklace with yellow beads over the years. He also knew exactly where he left it. A lot of good memories came back to Kyle in seconds.

Opening the box filled with his High jew elf king equipment was nostalgic. He remembered the time Stan first reacted to Kyle's costume. He was excited and amazed, especially with the robe.

Or the golf club, he accidentally hit Cartman a little too hard on the head with once so they had to stop playing. That was for sure a drama back them.

What Kyle didn't expect in the box though, was the helmet of Stan, Ranger Stan Marshwalker. Why did he have it?

"Stan, dude, you won't believe this." Kyle turned to Stan, presenting the small helmet. "Is that mine?!" Stan inspected it and placed his hands on the helmet.

"That's definitely too small now." Stan sadly laughs. "Too bad for you, I see my crown still fits!" Kyle says, placing the crown of branches and twigs he once made on his head.

The crown had always been a little big, so that worked perfectly now.

"Oh well, I don't need the helmet to be ranger Stan Marshwalker!" Stan assured and stood up straight.

Kyle giggled at him. "You are the best ranger a king could ever wish for." He smiles softly, making eye contact with Stan.

"Why, thank you your highness" Stan bowed formally. "Dude!" Kyle playfully punched him and took the golf club out of the box.

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