Style #4 - Sardines

427 11 31

(Stan's POV)

"Let's play sardines!" Kyle suggested. It was late and we, me Kyle Eric and Kenny, were having a sleepover at Kyle's house. We were trying to figure out what to do with our time until Kyle figured it out: sardines.

"How does that work?" Kenny asked. "Hide and seek except one person hides and everyone else searches them, and when a searcher finds the hider they hide with them." I explain to Kenny as I sit beside him. "Aren't we too old for hide and seek? We're 15" Cartman hissed at us.

"Too old? Shut up fatass. Do you even have a better idea anyway?" Kyle argued back. Cartman's defeated silence is what we used as the last approval. We were going to play sardines.

"Can I hide first?" Kyle plead to us. I instinctively nodded. Of course you can Kyle. "Nah I want to be first!" Cartman countered. "No Kyle is first, it's his sleepover." I sided with Kyle, who gave me a silent thank you.

"Fine!" Cartman shrugged and laid down on Kyle's couch. "Let's count guys." He announced glaring up at us. "Alright! Count to 30!" Kyle exclaimed as he ran away. We started counting on Kyle's couch. I sat by Cartman's head and Kenny sat on the armrest next to me. "30!" Kenny shouted as first and immediately sprinted to the other room to find Kyle. Cartman was quick to follow him.

Though I waited for a moment. I knew Kyle the best, I know exactly where he's hiding. Although I don't actually know but if I have to think like him I have some possibilities. I turned around and opened the curtains. Exactly what I thought. I saw Kyle just jumping into a bush in front of his house through the window.

Because we didn't make any rules beforehand on where he could hide, he'd use that to his advantage. By hiding outside when everyone expected him inside.

I looked behind me, I bet Cartman and Kenny were too busy searching in the Kitchen to even hear the front door open and close. The cold air met my head. I didn't have my hat on.

I glanced at the bush. I couldn't see him, darn he hid really good. I approached the bush and tucked some branches away uncovering Kyle's shocked face. "How?" He whispered. "I know you too well Kyle." I smirked, causing Kyle to blush.

"Okay! Ssh! Hide!" He hissed angrily and pulled me into the small bush.

And there I was, on top of my very crush in a bush trying to hide. Kyle gestured something to me but I couldn't make out what. I was too busy processing him under me.

"Stan! Your head!" He pointed at me. Ah right my head was sticking out. I snuggled closer, pressing my head into the crook of Kyle's neck. Instantly I felt Kyle's rapid heartbeat. Like his, my heart was beating faster than it ever had before.

The realization came quick. Cartman and Kenny would take a while to even look outside and then they also had to inspect this bush. This could take ages! So I was basically stuck with him, in this position in complete silence.

Yet our heartbeats seemed to communicated. I felt Kyle's hand creep up onto me, as if he was hesitating to make the move. His hand stopped at my neck. I am so glad I don't have to look at his face right now.

Minutes that felt like hours passed. We stayed in the same position with some small adjustments. Then finally we heard the front door open. Were they going to find us?

"Kyle? I bet he's out here." Kenny muffled. I heard footsteps coming closer. Just when I thought we were going to be found the same footsteps backed away and before I knew it the front door closed again.

I sat up a little to look at Kyle. He first looked awkward, almost in love, before his gaze turned into a furious one. With a swift move he turned us around and now he was on top of me.

"What did I tell you about keeping your head out of sight!" He sneered. I wanted to point out that now his red curls that popped out were sticking outside the bush in view. But I kept my mouth shut, already intimidated by him.

I blushed profoundly. His elbows places beside my tense arms while his hands reached as far as my head. His face just inches away. The leg that was placed between mine. Everything and every little detail made me go crazy.

"Your hair." I pointed out just to get my mind off his absurd proximity. "What?" He replied genuinely confused. "It's... in view." A drop of sweat rolled of my forehead into the grass below me. "Oh." He mouthed.

Then he moved closer, our noses barely touching. He stared at me with an emotion I haven't seen before. If it wasn't fast enough already, my heartbeat picked up. It felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. Our chests were pressed against each other.

"Dude." I commented softly. His eyes found way to my lips, before looking me in the eyes again. I gulped, what was he doing?

Before I could even think about it, I just said what was on my mind. "Kiss me." I muttered. Kyle's eyes widened in surprise and so did mine. I didn't mean to say it out loud! Fuck!

"What?" Kyle frowned at me, but not moving away at all. "I..." I seemed to forget the entire English language. I couldn't come up with anything. I didn't know what to say nor do. "You, want me to?" He asked looking down at my lips again. I shivered.

"Eh." I peeped, my lungs pulling together. "I could." He dropped the bomb. He could? He didn't mind? What? Now it was my turn to ask questions.

"What?!" I shouted. Kyle looked angrily at me again, speedily placing his finger on my mouth to silence me. "Stan!" He whispered in a harsh tone. "What? Kyle I-" I began speaking in a loud voice, until I was met with Kyle's second silencing strategy.

All of a sudden his lips met mine. I shut my eyes as I soaked up the warmth from the kiss. I melt into it, all my organs setting off fireworks inside my body. Electricity ran through me and likely also through Kyle.

When Kyle pulled away we were both the same shade of crimson red. In silence we stared at each other, unable to keep our eyes off the other person.

I needed more. This went too quick. I want him, I love him. And he loved me too? Why else would he kiss me like that? Why would he even bring his lips anywhere near mine to begin with?!

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss, to which he kissed me back. This kiss wasn't any less than the first one. Again all my feelings overwhelmed me. Kyle's bitter hands slid on my neck. My thoughts warped and for a moment I was in another world.

Then, as perfect as the timing was, the front door flung open again. "Kinny I told you to check outside!" Cartman's voice pierced through the silence. Our eyes flew open and we looked through the leaves at Cartman stomping around. Yet our mouths didn't part. Mid-kiss we were looking at our frenemy searching us with a terrified look. He couldn't see us like this.

Kenny also appeared outside. "I checked fatass!" He fumed. "Then where is Stan?" Cartman insisted. Kenny stayed silence and now two pair of footsteps roamed around the front yard.

We were definitely going to be found, and my lips are still attached to Kyle's. What happened after this? We'll be found and then? Will they notice something odd? Will we stay best friends? Or what else?
I worried.

"See? No Stan and no Kyle." Kenny concluded and we heard him walk to the front door again. "How did that fucker find him!" Cartman complained also heading back inside. To my biggest relief but also surprise, the front door shut again.

I sat up, pulling away from Kyle too. He was still on my lap as I began speaking. "What are we?" I stammered. "In love?" Kyle hesitated. I couldn't help but giggle at his answer.

"No- Kyle." I grin at him. Oh how much I loved him. "Are we still friends?" I trembled. "How can we stay friends after this Stan?" He clarified. He had a point. "So... how about more than friends?" Kyle chuckled uneasily.

"Of course." I agreed, before pecking him on the cheek. As he stood up from me the front door was thrown open. "There he is!" Cartman excitedly yelled. "Found him!" Cartman cheered jumping outside. "Ah fuck you!" Kenny followed.

I brushed a few leaves off of me. Everyone has found Kyle now. "Next game!" Cartman chimed heading inside again. Me and Kyle made briefly eye contact before heading inside again. A soft but deeply affectionate smile was exchanged. "Yeah!" Kyle then cheered and sprinted inside.

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