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Both cars reached their destination in the afternoon. Despite the pleasant weather, they were tired. Jia had slept while thinking about all the questions running through her mind, while Bora continued to accompany Yoongi. She decided against resting even for a second because she thought if she slept, Yoongi would feel sleepy too.

Bora instead continued to play the game suggested by Yoongi. After an hour, they decided to take a brief break. Yoongi's car was undoubtedly seen by Jimin as it stopped at a convenience store, but he decided against it.

The reason was that Jia was dozing off, and when he slowed down, he saw the couple laughing and jumping while playing rock, paper, scissors, which pained his heart. He wanted Bora to be happy, but not with someone else. He disliked it when people made her smile, especially her girlfriend's brother. Their pairing was indeed funny!

Bora waited at the vineyard's entrance while Yoongi proceeded to park his car after they arrived safely. She already noticed Jimin's car, which meant they had already arrived.

When Yoongi came, the two entered with smiles on their faces. The vineyard was covered with nature, making it appear as though they had arrived in a peaceful village far from the bustle of the city. It was a very lovely sight.

Jia came up with the idea to add a vineyard to the list of venues. She desired a unique style of wedding. And she decided to take advantage of the fact that her mother was handling everything. She didn't want to hurry, she wanted to take time and choose the best. She wanted the best wedding and so she decided to give her all.

The two couples were led to explore the place by a young man in his early twenties. He showed them the entire vineyard before leaving them to roam around on their own. They were all relaxing until a loud voice interrupted, drawing everyone's attention.

"Park fucking Jimin! What the hell are you doing in my vineyard?" The voice was so loud that it startled the two girls. 

Jia appeared perplexed at the unexpected incursion, while Jimin and Bora displayed disbelief. The two exchanged a worried glance before focusing on the male in his early thirties, who looked quite young and handsome.

He rushed toward Jimin and pulled him into a tight hug. "Hobi?" That was all Jimin could utter. He was confused to see his old friend here. Hold on, he said my vineyard. Does that mean they welcomed trouble?

Hoseok smiled gleefully, patting Jimin on the back, "Look, I fulfilled my dream."

Jia grinned watching the two pals. She was unfamiliar with this man, but she could tell that they were close friends.

Jimin smiled hesitantly when Hoseok broke the hug. Within a second, a girl to the back grabbed his attention.

"Bora?" He yelled loudly this time as a shock was evident in his voice and face. He sprinted toward the said girl and pulled her in his arms. Her legs were literally dangling in the air when Hoseok happily picked her up while hugging her.

Unlike Jimin, Bora was delighted to see him, as seen by the broad smile on her face. "How are you, sweetie?" He asked with joy and the loving tone made Yoongi poke his inner cheek annoyingly.

The way someone touched his girl bothered him. He didn't like watching her so happily cling to someone's arms. She had wrapped Yoongi in his fingers as tightly as Hoseok was hugging her.

The jealousy was evident on Yoongi's face which didn't go unnoticed by Jimin and Jia. While Jimin glared at Yoongi without him knowing why he would do that, Jia was happy to see varying emotions on her brother's face.

Yoongi wasn't that vocal about his feelings. He wouldn't even show his emotions through his actions. But when it came to Bora, every bit of emotion was visible on his face and Jia loved this change in her brother.

Hoseok closed the distance and gave the girl a tender kiss on the forehead after he placed her down on her feet. Bora continued to smile with her eyes closed when she felt Hoseok's soft lips touching her forehead gently until he backed away.

He then turned back to face Jimin and asked, "Are you guys still dat —"

"Hoseok!" Jimin yelled nervously when he realized what his friend was about to speak. He soon lowered his tone to not sound suspicious. "Meet her. She's my girlfriend, Jia." He introduced Jia, who gave a weak smile to Hoseok.

"Jia, meet Hoseok. He is my university friend."

Jia continued to glance at Hoseok, reading the change of expressions on his face when he approached them.

"So how do you know Bora?" She inquired politely as the question was running through her mind a few minutes back when Hoseok showed his affection toward the girl as if they were long-lost lovers. But what was he about to speak before Jimin interrupted him?

"We went to the same university," Hoseok responded politely with a little smile, making Jia nod her head. She turned her attention to Jimin and questioned with a raised brow, "Then you must know her all this time, right?"

Jimin gulped as cold sweat began forming on his head. His hands were getting sweaty when nervousness took over him. "I don't remember her." He let out in a shaky voice, glancing at Bora now.

She felt equally bad for Jia, but she had to lie. Jia wasn't the one at fault, nor was she herself. "Yes, I just knew Hobi." She agreed with Jimin.

"Strange, isn't it? You both have a mutual friend still you don't know each other. Okay, if you guys say so." She shrugged as she spoke suspiciously, glaring at Jimin. Her voice turned dangerously cold this time.

Bora didn't ever hear Jia's cold voice and it only made her feel guilty now. She was always sweet and bubbly, but no one can blame her at the moment. She must have too many questions going on in her mind to make her act like that. She must be feeling lost. 

Fresh tears began forming in Bora's eyes when she noticed Jia turning around, and walking away casually.

Bora tilted her head a little while glancing at Jimin as her eyes turned gloomy. She silently conveyed that what he was doing wasn't good, and Jimin was able to understand her emotions well. Why wouldn't he? After all, they dated for five years in the past and they knew each other really well.

Bora then turned around with her vulnerability and walked away.

Jimin patted his hand on Hoseok's shoulder and mumbled, "I'll be back in a bit," before following Jia.

Yoongi had been observing everything and he had too many questions as well, like his sister. But for now, he decided to shrug off everything and follow Bora. He needed to comfort her. She didn't look good and it broke his heart.

"Hobi, I'll be back in a bit. We need to talk." Yoongi spoke up nicely yet firmly, earning a nod and "sure buddy" from his friend before he walked away.

When Hoseok was left alone, he sighed. As he looked in both opposite directions where the two couples went, an epiphany struck him as he recalled something.

So Bora was the girl Yoongi fell in love with? And Jimin is dating Yoongi's sister? On the one hand, I have my university friend. But on the other hand, it's my current best friend. Whose side should I take now? I wonder what will Yoongi ask me. And how will Yoongi react when he learns that I had been in one-sided love with the same girl he fell in love with? I had to let go of her because of Jimin in the past. Will I have to let go of her because of Yoongi now? I hate my life!


This wasn't in my story originally. However, when I began writing this chapter, it turned out like this and I loved it. 

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