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Finally an update guys! I hope I'll be able to write now. Thank you all for patiently waiting for me. Love you all! ❤️


Jia clapped her hands while grinning broadly as the presentation ended. She was really excited to visit each of the venues that Bora had selected for her wedding. She understood pretty well why her mother and brother trusted Bora with her work. She was indeed the best.

On the other side, Jimin felt anxious. He smiled awkwardly as he shifted his glance between Jia and Bora. He couldn't be enthusiastic like Jia, because he would be accompanied by his ex-girlfriend wherever they'd go and the thought alone made him feel all the varying emotions. He sighed at the feeling.

"I'm so excited about this." Jia chirped as she glanced at Jimin, who was already looking at her. She wrapped her arms around Jimin's biceps as her eyes gleamed brighter than her smile before she pecked his right cheek. The girl's excitement caused Jimin to grin genuinely for the first time that day.

"Isn't she great? I just love her." She looked at Bora while discreetly mumbling to her partner. She smiled politely looking at Bora. Jimin also cast a quick glance in the direction of the event planner who was speaking with Yoo-Jin. 

But somehow Yoongi's tender gaze, which was fixed on Bora with a grin, perplexed him. He continued to observe Yoongi who didn't even blink his eyes for a second. On realizing how he was overthinking and it wasn't his business in the first place, he shrugged it off and nodded when Jia looked at him with hopeful eyes.

Currently, they all were in the conference room, discussing Jimin and Jia's wedding. Bora had just finished giving her presentation of all the locations she had shortlisted.

Everyone had given the guest list to Bora. Because Jia and Jimin had varied preferences, it took her a few days to shortlist the venues. She didn't complain, though, because she enjoyed her work. She wouldn't, however, deny that a little assistance might help her sleep better at night.

Moreover, Aera fell ill. She was forced to stay at home, and Bora felt bad to take her help while Aera was resting. She was left alone to face her own battles. It wasn't like Aera wouldn't help her. Just that Jimin's abrupt appearance in her life was unknown to her brother, Taehyung.

Bora's family had accepted Jimin in the past with all his lies when he said his mother lived in the USA and he just had his brother as his family in Korea. Everything was a lie.

Jimin felt awful to lie but he couldn't help it. He had to lie because of the situation he was in and Bora's family was too kind to believe him. Particularly Taehyung, who welcomed Jimin wholeheartedly into their lives for the sake of his sister.

After a couple of months, Taehyung and Jimin started spending more time together as if they were best friends, brushing aside the fact that Jimin was only dating his sister and that he didn't really know him.

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