"You, my King, must be glad you do not have a place other than, above me."

  Smiling a little, Edmund replied. "What do you mean?"

  Aramis shook his head. "I couldn't possibly share, my King."

  "Aramis!" He gritted his teeth, sort of annoyed, but still partly amused. "You've been cryptic for ages, and I don't have a clue what you mean."

  "That was the point, my King, because if I was able to share my true thoughts, then my place by your side would be relinquished."

  "Who says?" Edmund raised his eyebrows, taking hold of Aramis' hand, gently. "I won't tell." 

  "You make a tempting offer."


  "But you have no idea what it is that you do to me." His eyes were downturned as his throat tightened due to his nervousness. "And already, I know I have said too much."

  "No." Edmund stood, though he was still an inch or two shorter than Aramis. He exuded confidence and power, with enough softness to keep those he loved close to him. "You haven't said enough at all. Please, Aramis, talk to me."

  "I am talking to you, My King, and that is exactly what causes the problems."


  "In that..." He couldn't push the words from his lips far enough to make himself known in the way that he wanted to. It was almost as if the very sight of Edmund made him weak, and unable to focus. "I..."

  The King squeezed his hand. "Take your time."

     Looking at Edmund, it must have been hard to imagine what was running through his mind. The freckles on his face were prominent enough, and enticing enough, that Aramis wanted to spend his time counting them. They were constellations connecting to a deeper part of himself. His eyes were dark, and glistening. The spirit could see his reflection in them, which too, was frightening.

     He didn't look scared there, and he wasn't shaking in any way. His body didn't betray him in the way he thought it might. Instead, it seemed like he might have been lying. Edmund could never think of that.

     "I remember when I met you, all of those years ago, and you were so terrified, and the person I see now is so different, it hard to imagine you are the same person." Aramis began, his voice smooth, though almost silent. "I wish words were as simple as aging."

  "You can tell me." Edmund reassured. "It's just me. I promise."

  "I suppose that having all of this time apart from each other has allowed my mind the time to process your first life here." Aramis felt like he could have been sick then and there. "And in the long period, I have found myself exploring the idea that loneliness and solidarity are no longer an option." 

  "This is hurting you, isn't it?" Edmund placed his free hand upon Aramis' cheek, and watched as the spirit relaxed into the touch without hesitation. "I think I understand, now."

  His eyes shot open. "Are you sure, my King?"

  "I'm quietly confident." He replied, bemused.

     They stood for a small amount of time like that, holding, and touching. It wasn't anything permitted, but Aramis couldn't bring himself to care in such a state of contentment. Although, his heart did swell as he saw Edmund must have been just at ease as he was.

     Aramis noticed that Edmund's eyes were on no one but the spirit in front of him. He was gentle, and soft... and completely unpredictable.

     He didn't have any expectations to what would happen next, but it didn't matter to him. They were close, and it was the first time in what was practically forever, that Aramis didn't feel like he was falling apart from the inside.

  "What are you doing, my King?" The spirit asked, quietly, afraid to break their comfortable silence.

  Edmund tilted his head, and smiled, with a shallow breath. "I..." He hadn't realised the pressure upon himself, perhaps carried over from England. "I want to, if it's alright with you, try something?"

  Oblivious, Aramis nodded. "Anything, my King."

     Edmund acknowledged it, and pulled Aramis closer to him, without blinking once. The smile upon his lips turned swiftly into a smirk, as he knew what it was he was doing. Then, slowly, he leant upwards, and placed his lips on the side of Aramis' mouth, testing the waters. 

     He froze, if only for a moment.

    When Edmund pulled away, it felt as if time had stood still. Their eyes never dissevered, and his heart kept beating, as if it was trying to escape the cage it sat in. 

     Seeing how awestruck Aramis was, Edmund knew it must have been a good thing, and decided it would be best to test his experiment out once again. Proof would have been a nice thing, but a repeated measure might have been the closest to that he was able to get.

He leant closer again, and this time, pressed his lips to Aramis', and felt his chest rise and fall in time. The spirit didn't know whether he was even allowed to touch Edmund, but let his free had grab onto his waist, wanting nothing more than closeness.

They kissed, and God, it was something that could never be forgotten. He never knew that intimacy could feel as good as this, and regretted not starting something like this sooner.

"You are a risk taker." Aramis gulped, breathlessly, as Edmund pressed more kisses to his lips.

"I'm a gentleman." He smirked. "I have no idea what you're talking about." The kisses were intoxicating, and it was hard to know when they would stop. "You're beautiful, Aramis."

"I- my King, you-"

"You can't reject me now." He smirked, confidently. "You'll just... have to put up with me."

"I was never going to reject you, my King, the thought was not one to ever cross my mind." His words ere open, and bright enough for the honestly to shine through.

Edmund changed his stance, and wrapped his arms around the spirit, warmly, and rested his head upon Aramis' chest. Taken aback, he reciprocated the movements, and held him, as he seemed to want to be.

He could have stayed there forever, and he wouldn't have minded in the slightest.

"Excuse me, my King!" A voice called from outside of the room, knocking. "My King!"

"What?" Edmund groaned, reluctantly. "I'm busy."

"Your brother has asked for you, my King." Said the voice. "It's the Telmarines. They're here."

•  -  -  •
•  -  -  •

I do not own these characters. I do not own the Narnia series. I do not own the actors, or the characters. The only thing I own is my adaptation of the story, and my original character.

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