Chapter IV

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Pinã was amazed. They were flying in the air, at a speed not even the wyvern riders would be able to reach. She looked to the rest, beside her and her two knights, the rest seemed relaxed. When she looked at the two, they were fidgeting, they were afraid of heights. Which Pinã found adorable.

"We'll be reaching Alnus soon!" Lucius said to her.

"So soon?! We're only just flown for half an hour!" Pinã exclaimed.

Pinã looked over the window and saw a massive fortress in the shape of a star. She saw the monstrosities that the JSDF have.

She saw the Iron Elephants shoot out powerful explosions of magic right into the mountains. The Iron Pegasus circled about the base, patrolling their boundaries. As the Firefly begin its descent, she caught a glimpse of the rifles being fired at.

"Is everyone in the JSDF all mages?" Pinã muttered.

"No, they're not. The same to the Imperium. It's a weapon that made JSDF efficient against the Empire." Lucius said as he caught the attention of Pinã and two of her close allies.

"How does it work?" Pinã asked again.

"Put it in your terms, a piece of lead we call a bullet was enchanted with magic and placed into the cylinder of the rifle. Looking at the model, that's a Howa Type 64. Judging by the vehicles here, I think the JSDF have purposefully equipped their soldiers with Cold War-Era weapons." Lucius said. "I think it's cost-efficient. That said, I have to say truthfully that you Falmartians are too backward. Too backward, I say North Korea would be able to rule you over with ease. If you're wondering, North Korea is another country that to our standards, is backward."

The fact made Pinã shocked, it means that the Empire is far weaker and had no chance of winning. Even a grunt in the legion would understand the severity of the fact that a nation considered backward can rule them over. Still, Pinã was curious to know how the Young Master of the Imperium would know.

The Firefly-class landed right in front of the Alnus GATE, where a few people have been waiting for their arrival. Lucius was first to walk down the ramp, followed by Pinã, Bozes, and Panache.

The people waiting for him saluted at him, giving their utmost respect to Lucius.

"General Lucius! Welcome to Alnus Base. I am Lieutenant General Hazama, it is an honor!" Hazama greeted him.

Just as he was reaching his hand for a shake, one of the Cerberus soldiers intervened.

"Hands off the Young Master of the Imperium!" The soldier said.

This made Hazama instinctively pull his hand, as he and the rest who are there were shocked by the revelation.

"It appears you have not informed me, I apologize," Lucius said. "I am Lucius Aurelius, son of Augustus Aurelius III, Imperator of the Galactic Imperium. A General of the Cerberus. Nice to meet you, Lieutenant General."

Lucius reached his hand out, as Hazama shook it.

"Well, I apologize. I didn't know that you are a member of royalty, I would have prepared a much grand welcoming committee befitting a royal." Hazama said.

"It is fine. It's due to concerns for my well-being, that my identity is to be kept hidden." Lucius said. "Though, I think it's not necessary at the moment as I am to make an appearance before your Diet."

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