Chapter V

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The next day.

Lucius woke up refreshed. He and all who came with him was booked into a five-star hotel. It was nothing more than the service of a five-star hotel in the Imperium, but it was the best most can get.

Though there were complications. Yesterday was a series of incident after incident. Once he reached the hotel, there was news of the sudden temporary shutdown of the Tokyo underground railway. Then there was a fire in the Ichigaya Assembly Hall, where he was supposed to meet the representatives of Japan before it was changed last minute to the Prime Minister's Office.

There are multiple other incidents, all within the radius of the Diet building. He could only guess one thing. The superpowers of Earth are doing their demonstration. And the climax would be wherever Itami's group would be.

The thought of mankind against each other disgusts Lucius. He spites the belief of regional nationalism, it caused the millennia of warfare amongst other humans. Though it made humanity adaptable to hard situations, still the many lives and generations of humans that could have potentially made a difference to bring a change were wasted by civil wars.

He activated the holographic transmission from his arm phone, contacting someone from Helnus CENTCOM.

"Is there something wrong, Luci?" Hector asked.

Hector appears before him, looking already sharp in the blind morning.

"I just need to ask for a SITREP on the things there," Lucius said. "Is there something you want to report to me? The ones that you don't want to disclose in the Diet?"

Hector nodded, as he began relaying the actual important situation report.

"Well, the pacification of Bellnahgo is going smoothly. Unlike Bellnahgo, the magic city of Rondel is willing to cooperate in exchange for mutual partnership in terms of technology." Hector reported. "However, we did encounter something peculiar."

The Young Master's attention was peaked. Whatever it is, it certainly should be interesting.

"Really? Do tell." Lucius said as he gets in the shower.

"We were invited by the mages of Rondel to their Grand Library. So I sent a group of scientists to observe just how far the mages understand about the universe as a whole, maybe we could learn something from them in terms of Magi. But as soon as they entered, their scanners detected signs of HEL along with faint energy signatures at the main four monoliths in the center of the Grand Library." Hector reported. "It appears to be a supercomputer of some kind. The mages demonstrated how the monolith works, when they pour out mana to the monoliths, it reacted in a way the scanners read as AI. We have further evidence that the monoliths are a supercomputer through the findings of wires and cables tangled in the tiny gaps of the monoliths, however, we have not been able to decipher how it works. As we speak, the scientists there are continuing in researching the monoliths."

"Hm. Who's leading the group?"

"Dr. Isabella Kibbler Holst. She's the leading scientist of the group. With her family lineage as the discoverer of HEL, she should be sufficient and motivated enough to lead the investigation of the monoliths." Hector said. "With these turn of events, I have put on the liberty to organize an investigation. I presume there may be a powerful and much-advanced civilization before even our allies, so I have ordered to investigate the smallest readings of energy or signatures of HEL. There might be more 'outposts' such as the one in Rondel, and who knows we can study from it."

Lucius took a dry towel from the adjacent hanger. He wipes his wet face and began to dry himself off.

"As expected of you, Hector. You've done an excellent job. Keep me posted with any developments. A precursor civilization made outposts on the planet, and I want to know who and why." Lucius said as he get dressed. "In the meantime, I would like to know what the locals are doing. And by that, I mean the Saderans."

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