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'Oh, come on Felix, pick up already'


'Heyy, this is Lee Felix's voicemail! I'm probably busy right now with my really stressful live. I'll call you back as soon as I find the time - whether you want or not. Love you - beep'

'Fuck' I muttered and let my phone fall on the table.

Why can't you keep all that queer stuff to yourself?

I needed to apologize to Felix.

I said some really shitty things.

Leave me alone!


I took my phone again and scrolled through my contacts.

My thumb hit the call button as I found who I searched for.




'Hi, little one, what's up?'

'Stop calling me that, I'm fucking thirty'

'I don't care who you're fucking'

I took a careful breath. Calm. I'm calm.

'Hyunjin. Do you know if Felix is home?'

'Yeah no, I think they mentioned having a date today'

'A date? What's up with the two of you lately?'

Hyunjin laughed happily.

'Nothing's up. I'm not dating but Felix can if they want to'

'What's about the girl from the café down the street? What was her name? Bohye?'

'Are you really interested in my hook-up stories?'

'No, if I think about it, not really. How's your creative phase doing?'

'Urgh, after the last two weeks I'm absolutely burned out. I'll focus on dance classes for now.'

I smiled to myself.

'The kids love you.'

'Why wouldn't they? I let them do whatever they want'

We chuckled.

'Anyways, why were you trying to contact Felix?'

'I... Um, do you know that I visited them yesterday?'

'Yeah they told me'

'Did they say anything afterwards?'

'No, we haven't spoken since. Why? Did something happen?'

'Yeah, I mean...' I cleared my throat. 'We kinda got into a fight and I said some really bad stuff and I have to apologize to them'

'You two? A fight? Wow. I mean. Wow. How the hell did that happen?'

Should I tell him?

I swallowed.

Better not. I couldn't stomach another fight today.

'Just stupid stuff. It wasn't that big of a deal but I think I hurt them so I wanted to set it right, you know?'

'Yeah of course. Dear Lord. I.. I will text Felix that they should call you back, okay? In case they're mad they'll probably read my text sooner than yours. Is that alright with you?'

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