blue nails~

152 9 5

'Appaaaa' Harin screamed as soon as the door opened.

I stepped into the hallway and crouched down to hug her hello.

Jihye came in as well, carrying various paper bags.

She took off her shoes while I took off Harin's.

'I thought you had to work?'

'Yeah I have to be there in like ten minutes, but I forgot something'

I chuckled quietly as my girlfriend disappeared in the house. She had always been a little forgetful, especially when stressed.

'Dad look what I've got!'

Harin ran and grabbed one of the paper bags.

I opened it. Frowned.

'It's ... nail polish?'

'Isn't that wonderful? Can we try it out?'

'Where did you get nail polish?'

'Can we try it out can we try it out can we please? Please?'

My daughter started jumping up and down excitedly.

I looked back at the small bottle in my hand. It was light blue.

'I'll ask your mom if you can paint your nails'

I had no idea if there was some kind of a minimum age for nail polish.

'No, appa, not me' Harin grinned at me. 'I want you to have that'

For a second I stared at her.

'No, sweetheart, I'm not wearing nail polish'

'Felix wears nail polish all the time and you always say them that it looks nice'

'Yeah but I'm not Felix, darling. Don't you want to have blue nails?'

'But I picked that colour extra for you! I got orange for eomma and green for me. You have to tag along or else it won't be any fun'

'Honey, I don't know-'

'Now let her paint your nails, Jeongin. You won't die from it' Jihye was watching us with a small smile.

I sighed. At the end of the day, for my daughter I would do anything.

Jihye waited for my nod, then said: 'Amazing. I gotta go now. I love you both, don't burn the house down, and Harin, promise me I won't find any of that nail polish on our furniture, yes?'

'Yes, eomma' she recited in a tone which instead promised that exactly this would happen.

'Bye, Ji-ji' I stood up to give her a kiss on the cheek.

'Bye, love. I look forward to see you with blue nails'

I rolled my eyes. Smiling nonetheless.

'Jiiiii-jiiiiiiiii' Harin screamed and run in our living room, taking all the nail polish with her.

She loved the nickname I gave Jihye ages ago. Sometimes she would randomly start to chant it instead of common children's songs.

'Come on, appa, let me paint your nails!'

'Do you even know how to do that?'

'We can find out'

She had spread all paper bags and nail polish bottles on the carpet around her, was sitting in the middle and grinned up to me.

I sighed and sat down cross-legged opposite her.

'Okay let's make a deal: I let you paint one of my hands and you help me with making dinner for both of us, alright?'

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