but I love you~

154 11 24

In the morning we were greeted with Minho, who hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol last night, happily banging two pot lids against each other.

'Morning, maggots! It's already half past ten! Rise and shine!'

Chan groaned and threw one of Felix's sofa pillows at him. 'Fuck off!'

Minho deflected with the lids and nonchalantly continued being loud as fuck.

Every time the lids shattered against each other, my head felt like it split in two.

'Stop that or I will curse your entire family!'

Changbin appeared from somewhere beneath Seungmin and shot fiery looks at Minho. The older just laughed.

'I think I drooled on your shirt', I said to Seungmin.

'Oh no worries' He slowly sat up, dragging me into an upright position as well. The whole living room started spinning. Seungmin happily chattered on. 'I'm used to you puking on me, so a little drool should be easy to handle'

'Aw, c'mon that only happened once!'

'Twice', he corrected, 'though I'd be down to not count the second time as you were barely in your right consciousness back then'

I pulled a face.

The clanging had stopped.

Minho had mercifully put the lids aside and started to cook for breakfast.

Felix and Hyunjin were tangled on the other couch, somehow still asleep.

Chan stood up, stretched and groggily trotted over to help Minho.

Changbin went back to sleep.

I leaned against Seungmin and let him hug me carefully.

'How are you feeling?'

'Like shit' I snorted. 'Why'd we think a hangover would help us to handle this mess?'

He laughed quietly into my hair.

'What are your pronouns right now?'

I stocked.

That wasn't what I expected him to say.

Then I thought about it, checked how I felt.

Then I wondered what the hell I was checking for exactly. I didn't feel any different or weird or uncomfortable.

'Um. He/him I guess'

''kay. Let us know if it changes'

Seungmin gave me a short kiss on the cheek then stood up to help prepare breakfast as well.

That felt... easy.

Maybe all this wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be.


Breakfast was a mess.

Six of us were terribly hungover, the remaining two not shy to take advantage of that.

There was aspirin for everyone.

I helped Chan with the dishes while the others scattered in the house to wash up or search their clothes.

Chan granted my throbbing headache exactly three minutes of silence.

'Have you heard from Jihye?'

I shook my head.

'Did you call her?'

I shook my head, again.

'Why didn't you?'

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