Things From Past

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Jacob was shocked to hear where I live. He didn't talk the whole time I was shopping. He was in deep thought so I punched his shoulder and I asked,
"Hey, are you okay, what are you thinking so deeply?".

He took a deep breath and he gave me confusing look and said,"nothing, just wondering something".

"Wondering what"i asked.

"I'll tell you later, now let's go", he replied.

We leave the store.
We were in the car.
jacob was dropping me off at home.

I asked him, "What were you thinking about in the store? I noticed your face was a little worried when you heard where I live"

He mumble something and he was sweating.

"If you don't want to talk about it that's fine" I said

"I will tell you everything,first let me understand everything" Jacob said

I said "okay".


We arrived

jacob dropped me home I asked him "Would you like some coffee?"

"Of course" replied

I could see that Jacob's face was anxious as he looked towards the house

I entered the house
I called him to enter the house but he refused and suddenly he said, "I have to go somewhere I'll see you later" and he left

i was confused by his behavior
Why didn't he come inside?
He's been quiet since I talked about the house.
I could sense that something is amiss.

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