"I want my stuff back give it to me now."Rakken said

"I don't think your condition is fit to wield a weapon.Look at your arms both have been shattered by my freeze breath."Rojoll said

"Hold up....you said dark mage from Londel why is Rondel working with Londel as both cities hate each other."Rory asked

"Zorzal decree that we must work with Londel to push the otherworlders and kryptonians out and we want to avenge the death of Godasen our leader before you kryptonian savage killed him."Rakken said

"I am not a Savage!"Rojoll exclaimed

"This is not good."Olsera said

Trying to glean some form of victory over the kryptonians Rakken decided to let them know some of Rondel's plan to fight them in order to demoralize the kryptonians.

"This is not over kryptonians.The lands of Falmart are filled with dangerous creatures there is one here in the lake of Vaultris where an ancient water monster has been sleeping for 300 years. Mages from Rondel and Londel has been deployed to wake the beast.

Rory eyes widen and grabbed Rakken throat while shouting

"Are you crazy is your thirst for vengeance so great that you are willing to wake Loch the lake monster it took me and 5 other other apostles to just put the beast to sleep!"

"Loch the lake monster?"Olsera asked

"Loch the lake monster is an unknown beast of unknown origin 300 years ago it appeared in the lake of Vaultris where it attacked the city of Vaultris named after the lake.The humans,demi humans and mermaids allied together to stop the beast but the beast is too powerful so they beg the apostles for help.I am the first to fight the beast but the beast is too powerful for one apostle so I contacted other 5 apostles for help after a battle which lasted 14 days we inflicted enough damaged on the beast to knock it asleep."Rory said

"So we are fighting Nessie now"Olsera said

"Nessie?"Rory asked

"The Loch Ness Monster or more commonly known as Nessie, is a creature in Scottish folklore that is said to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is often described as large, long-necked, and with one or more humps protruding from the water."Rojoll said

"This is from earth folklore right?" Rory asked

"Yes during our stay on earth we bought some books which talks about the folklores of planet earth one chapter is about the Loch ness monster."Olsera replied

"Rory I got a question."Rojoll asked

"Go ahead, ask."Rory said

"You say there are mermaids in the lake should we worry about them as they may join the empire to fight against us."Rojoll said

"No you don't have to worry about them.The last mermaids in lake Vaultris left the lake through the river Thames which is connected to the sea after the battle with Loch the monster saying they need to heal due to the casualties suffered.No one has seen them since."Rory replied as let go of Rakken.

Special region (JSDF base Pina and Bozes room)

Ever since her brother coup the JSDF has given her and Bozes a room as a temporary home.Pina is in her room trying to process what happened in these few days it feels like a nightmare.Her father murdered by her brother which took the throne for himself and shut off all peace talks it all seems like a nightmare she can't wake up from.Pina is mostly afraid of the kryptonians as unlike the JSDF and the americans which are held by  checks in balance by their respective governments but the kryptonians are not held by any checks in any government at all as all that power is in their bodies the only assurance she got the from the kryptonians that they won't go genocidal on her nation is their word that they are not savages.

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