The New world

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"The United States of America gives condolences to the victims of the ginza incident and is ready to offer both humanitarian aid and military aid"American embassy in Japan

"Mexico gives condolences to the victims of the ginza incident and is ready to offer humanitarian aid"Mexico embassy in Japan

"Singapore gives condolences to the victims of the ginza incident and is ready to offer humanitarian aid"Singapore embassy in Japan

"France gives condolences to the victims of the ginza incident and is ready to offer humanitarian aid"France embassy in Japan

"Israel gives condolences to the victims of the ginza incident and is ready to offer humanitarian aid"Israel embassy in Japan

The UK gives condolences to the victims of the ginza incident and is ready to offer humanitarian aid and military aid."UK embassy in Japan

"The world is in shock at what happened in ginza as many scientists speculate that the gate in ginza is a wormhole."

"The UN has called an emergency meeting due to the ginza meeting."-CNN

"Magic exist?"-CNN news headlines

"The scientific needs to change the way it looks at the cosmos."Neil said in an interview with the economist.

"Japan prime minister motoi has called on the JSDF to be high alert."-NBC news

"Could Japan go to war again"News headlines of the economist

"Weyern, trolls, goblins, demi humans and other creatures what is thought to be fantasy is now real and are dangerous."Neil said

"Japan prime minister is set to make a speech on the ginza incident later to address the nation in this troubling times."-Fox News

"Japan prime minister is set to make a speech on the ginza incident later to address the nation in this troubling times"-MSNBC News

"Japan prime minister is set to make a speech on the ginza incident later to address the nation in this troubling times"-CNN

"Japan prime minister is set to make a speech on the ginza incident later to address the nation in this troubling times"-BBC

"The death toll of the ginza incident has now surprass 1000 according to experts."-Fox News

"All nations in the world has given condolences to Japan and has offer humanitarian aid with some even offering military aid."-ABC News

"Japan prime minister is set to make a speech on the ginza incident later to address the nation in this troubling times"-Sky News

"My fellow Japanese and to the world this day shall live in infamy when an unknown gate opened in the middle of busy streets of ginza......"motoi hands tighten around the podium with tears in his eyes

"Sorry for my laspe in mind..... Today in the streets of ginza an army from what the world thought as fantasy appeared out of a gate which this army begin to slaughter countless citizens of the japanese people commiting crimes against humanity I swear as my duty as the prime minister of Japan the victims of ginza shall be avenged and I thank all countries that has offer aid to Japan.Now I will offer my time to general Kōichirō Hazama."Motoi said as he step down from the podium.

General Kōichirō Hazama walks towards the podium and begins his speech.

"I am General Kōichirō Hazama and in two days the JSDF will be entering the special region to exact justice.That's is all I have to say as I don't talk so much it will be all."Kōichirō Hazama said

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