Chapter 3: I Want It All

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The next day, a bright yellow convertible speeds through the parking lot of the school. The expensive car nearly hit a few students before pulling into a reserved parking space. The blonde stepped out of her car in her black and white striped skirt and light yellow dress shirt that had black speckles. She strutted into the school as everyone made way for her.

Chloe made her way up the main stairwell of the school. She flipped her blonde hair that she tended to wear down nowadays. She glanced around at the student with a prideful smile on her face. She was filled with excitement when she spotted her favorite person down the hallway. "Adrikins!" She greeted him pleasantly.

Adrien had been standing around with his friends admiring the championship trophy that was in the school trophy case. Chloe stepped up close to Adrien. "So, when's the big game?"

Adrien glanced around at the rest of his friends awkwardly, hoping that Chloe was just kidding. "Uh, yesterday?"

She hardly paid him any mind as she checked her phone that suddenly went off. She typed something in before temporarily reverting her attention back to him. "Well, good luck!" She simply told him in a chipper mood before left.

All of Adrien's just scoffed at her ignorance. All expect Kim who remarked about how amazing she was.

Chloe made her way to her locker which had double doors now. If she was going to have a successful senior year, then she would need double the clothes, double the makeup, and double the glam. She smirked as she primped herself in the mirror. Suddenly she was brought back to reality when someone boldly approached her from behind. She turned around in disgust at the girl behind her. "What are you and why are you in my space?"

"Good morning Miss Bourgeois, I'm Lila Rossi. I just transferred here from Italy and noticed that you're in need of a personal assistant." The brunette mentioned sweetly as she gave her the notice that she'd found on the bulletin board.

"Oh, that's right." She turned to sift through the outfits in her locker. "Well with final, prom, and graduation I need someone tracking all my assignments and what not." Of course Sabrina used to do all these things, but lately she'd been less inclined to do them because of the wake call she'd had during the summer.

She turned back to her with a stern look in her eye. "And most importantly I need someone to run lines with me for the spring musical. That's a theater term for-" Her condescending remark was soon cut off.

"Oh, I know what it means silly. It means learning your role." Lila responded gleefully.

Chloe looked her up and down looking slightly baffled.

"Aside from that, you should really keep all of your math and science books together since those are your first classes of the day." She suggested sweetly as she urged Chloe aside to rearrange her locker.

"How do you know my schedule?" The blonde asked in disgust.

"I took the liberty of memorizing it." She simply responded before she held out a fancy take out bag to her. "Along with all your preferences such as your non-fat soy vanilla latte."

Chloe snootily inspected it before she took it. "I'll send you my outfit choices each morning so our outfits don't clash. And just so you know, I don't do orange. So, all that's gotta go." She scrutinized the orange accents in Lila's outfits.

"Duly noted!" She responded eagerly.


At the same time, Adrien was heading to class when Wayhem came charging down the hall trying to get his attention. He tried to skid to stop but accidentally crashed into Adrien causing both of them to hit the lockers. Wayhem quickly recovered while Adrien was stunned for a bit.

A Miraculous Musical 3: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now