"Why are you thinking so emotionally, Arnavji?"

"After becoming a father only I can understand how painful it would be to get away from our child"

Khushi swallowed hard.

"We should have made an attempt of consoling them at least once. See, how your father rushed here to make sure you are safe and sound...! Still, he is concerned about you. that's what parents love"

Khushi felt emotional. What Arnav said was not an exaggeration. Anyone could understand the pain of parents only when he/she became a parent.

"However, Mr. Gupta found his way to you and came back into your life... thank God, my daughter saved me from your father. or else, Mr. Gupta would have summoned me to the court for torturing his daughter" A wide smile covering up his face.

Khushi smiled against his chest, closing her eyes, feeling bliss.

"I bet your mother will appear in front of you sooner or later" he sniggered.

"To meet only her granddaughter" Khushi snapped.

"It's a blatant excuse to get patched up with her daughter" Arnav grinned and paused.

"They deserve happiness... after all, they have no one but only you" Arnav added.

"What would have happened if my father had made his way to RM a few months ago?" she was literally dreading.

"Mr. Gupta would have put me behind the bars" Arnav chuckled.

"How stupid I was not thinking of the consequences..." Khushi said, pulling her head up so that she could look at his face.

"Probably, it would not have happened because the one who sent your father to RM would not have done the same in your absence. We literally knew that"

"I'm sorry, I again suspected you in the matter of Rima"

"It's not your fault though... I should have made it clear. Any woman in your place would think the same. That was why I brought NK into our conversation. A Husband can lie to his wife but not her friend when his/her friend's life is at stake. NK is the one-man army you have. I know that" Arnav said giving her a warm smile.

"What about Radhika and Kiran? What happened to them? Do you ask the inspector?"

Arnav was alert. He exactly knew where this question of Khushi would take them... and it probably would cause them trouble.

"Is it necessary to talk about them at this moment?" he questioned, flipping her beneath him.

"You sound romantic all of a sudden" Khushi flickered.

"Shouldn't I?"

If a handsome man like Arnav asked, adding some honey into his husky voice, what would be the answer of the woman underneath him, other than waiting for him to START?

If a beautiful woman like Khushi did not oppose him in what he intended to start, what would the man over her do, other than go- ahead?

Arnav looked at sleeping baby Anu, making sure she won't be waking up, and went ahead.

The next morning

After getting fresh, Arnav waited for baby Anu to wake up to play with her. he made sure his phone was on silent mode. Khushi was supposed to take her to the bathroom, but Arnav took lead.

"Let me do it"

"You don't have to do it unless it's inevitable, Arnavji"

"What's wrong if I do that? I'm her father after all"

"Nothing wrong in it... we can share things. You can feed her cereal. What say?"

Arnav shrugged.

Khushi went to the washroom with baby Anu and came out completely making her fresh.

As per the deal, Arnav started feeding Baby Anu cereal and got fed up. It was one hell of a long course to make a baby eat. Arnav understood that. Baby Anu was not in one place for at least a few seconds. She was rambling around the room with her mouth full. Arnav was behind her with a bowl in one hand and a spoon in another. When he tried to lock her in between his legs to feed, she screamed irritatingly, making it harder for him.

Khushi watched their stunts from outside for a while and got in grinning.

"It's not that easy to get into your kid's good book Mr. Raizada" she sat on the bed.

"This is how you feed her every day?"

"Sometimes, it would be worse" she admitted.

"This is why did you ask me to take this role?"

"Not exactly, if you would have taken her to the washroom, you would have been drenched full"

"Yeah... I experienced it when you and Anu went shopping"

Taking a toy from baby Anu's toy bag, Khushi handed it to Baby Anu. Taking the bowl from Arnav, she came and sat next to her baby. She fed her when Anu opened her mouth to bite the toy. She looked at Arnav and raised her brows. Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, aunty did the same with an apple the other day"

"Simple" She passed the bowl to Arnav.

He started to get practicing with the skill of feeding so naughty baby Anu. At last, Arnav finished feeding and spilled a victory smile.

"It's easy to run a company than raising a kid, honestly," he said.

Khushi chuckled at his comment while lifting Baby Anu.

"I will just come visiting Anu," Khushi said.

Arnav nodded ok. That was when a loud calling bell sound spread in RM.

"You go... I will check" Arnav said while marching out.

He pulled the door wide open, only to find his father-in-law standing with his mother-in-law Garima Gupta.

To be continued...

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