28 Arnav's stand

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Part 28 Arnav's stand

Radhika was on call.

"Did you do that?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes... just now I talked to him and said what you wanted to"

"Did he get angry?" there was a fire in her eyes.

Cutting her,

"Like hell... though he said he knew about his wife; he was surely furious... who will tolerate his wife being wrong?"

"Good job... don't worry... once Khushi left this house, then this will be our territory. After that, my words will become LAW here. I will make your life lavishing" she promised.

"I know... I know that... that's why I'm doing what you say"

"Your needs will be fulfilled," Radhika said.

"Thank you"

"Ok, be care full"


They disconnected the call.


Arnav finished the work for what he went to AR. But his mind was fully flooded by the phone call and the matter told by the anonymous man. He was in a state that no one can describe.

Aman came to his cabin and knocked on his door.

"Yeah..." Arnav lifted his head.

"ASR, shall I join you or shall I stay back?" Aman asked.

"We already assigned groups to handle the work here. Then what is necessary for you to be here?" Arnav asked.

"I just..."

"Wind up your work and get ready" was indeed an order.

"Ok, ASR" Aman left the place.

He sensed Arnav's mood was off. He had no courage to ask Arnav about the phone call. He knew, if it was necessary, Arnav himself would have told him about it. He passed the instructions to the crew heads and came out.

Winding up his work, Arnav also left AR. Aman waited for Arnav to take his seat in the car. He was unsure whether Arnav was in the mood to drive the car. At the same time, he didn't want to nag the lion, asking about it.

As usual, Arnav took the driver's seat. In no time, Aman occupied the passenger seat. Arnav started the engine and geared it up. The journey was silent at first. Aman was glancing at Arnav from time to time to know Arnav's temperament. But he couldn't read his mind as Arnav's eyes were fixed on the road as usual.

"I'm happy you got Khushi Bhabi back," Aman said slightly hesitating.

Arnav looked at him and then again at the road, said nothing.

"She is a woman of greatness... isn't she?" He said in addition.

There was no response from Arnav.

"Massi said, Khushi Bhabi missed you a lot when she was pregnant and cried a lot in your memories. She suffered a lot alone without you it seems. Though she was angry with you she never hated you ASR. her love for you is mindboggling. She loves you and Anu... I mean your sister a lot. We know that... don't we?"

Arnav was silent with no reaction.

They reached RM. Arnav got down from the car and walked in. Aman followed him nervously. He didn't know which state he was in. They saw Radhika and Kiran slowly peeping out of the room and pulling their head inside, seeing them. That made Arnav and Aman spared a glance. Arnav stood in the living room and called,

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