Chapter 3

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Avni: Nanno what are you saying?

Nanno: Whatever I am saying is for your good. But now the decision is yours.

Avni: Nanno but you didn't leave any options for me. You swore me on Anaya.

Nanno: So, you will do this marriage?

Avni nods.

Nanno gets happy.

Avni: But, my Anaya would not have any problem right?

Nanno:Avni I need to tell something. That I told nothing about Anaya to them and you also for now say nothing to them and you also for some days after marriage don't say anything to them about Anaya

Avni shockingly looking at her.

Avni: Nanno What are you saying? How can she live without me? No I am not going leaving her alone.

Nanno: Avni please, it's a matter of a few days later you tell everyone about Anaya and take her with you. And till then I am there right. And I am not telling you to not to meet her. Whenever you wish to meet her you can. Okay now have breakfast you have to leave for hospital.

She goes and Avni lost in her thoughts.

On the other side, Neil is coming down for breakfast.

Neil: Good morning Mom Dad.

They wish him good morning.

Shweta: Neil I need to tell you something.

Neil: Yes mom ( Sipping on his coffee)

Shweta and Prakash look at each other and Prakash nods.Neil just looking at Shweta.

Shweta:  I fixed your marriage and I would not listen anything. You are sweared on me and your dad that you will not disagree for this marriage. It's a yes from girl's side as well. She has no one in her life, she is an orphan,  but after today there would be us.

Neil:Mom what are you saying. I can never love that girl her life would be destroyed. Mom please try to unders....

Shweta: Neil, I don't want to listen anything. You are sweared on me and you have to do this marriage, I not going to listen anything. Understood.

Neil shocks.

Neil: Mom.. huh.. okay.

Saying this he goes out.

On the other side, Avni is lost in her thoughts when she heard her baby's voice.

Anaya: Mumma.. cutely rubbing her eyes with a pout.

Avni smiled and takes her in her arms.

Avni: Baby, good morning Baby.
Sleeping done.

Anaya nods cutely. Avni smiles.

Anaya: Mumma, Where is papa??

Avni shockingly looks at her.

Avni: papa??

Anaya nods and says.

Anaya: Mumma nanno shaid papa loming( Mumma nanno said papa is coming).

Avni looks at her tearfully.

Avni: Yes baby papa will come but after sometime.

And makes her fresh.

After few minutes

Avni: Nannoooooo.. Nannoooooo
Where are you?

Nanno coming out from the kitchen rubbing her hands to the cloth.

Nanno: Yes Avni Why are you shout..(but Avni interrupts)

Avni:  Why did you did this Nanno. Why you said anything about papa to Anaya?

Nanno: I did so to convince you for the marriage.

Avni: Why did you do that Nanno. Now,  even though I don't want to, have to get married to that guy, whom I don't know even 1%. And you used that 2.5 year old kid for a YES from my side.

Nanno: Avni listen...

Avni: What should I listen Nanno. What should I? Before telling you didn't even thought this that you are telling all this to a 2 year kid. You want that I should get married to that man then okay I am ready for that. Are you happy now. So now please, I fold my hands in front of you, don't fill this all things in my daughter's head. Please..

She goes from there and Nanno looks down feeling bad and guilty but she had to do it for her and Anaya so that they lead a happy life.

After few minutes Avni goes to the hospital taking Anaya along with her.

Shweta calls Nanno.

Shweta: Hello Nanno. Namaste🙏

Nanno: Namaste. Yes say, how did you remember us.

Shweta: yes, I called to say that Neil is agreed for the marriage and I also talked to the priests. They said that the day after tomorrow is good and later the next dates are after 4 months. So what say? Should we get them married day after tomorrow?

Nanno:Yes okay we should do that. I will tell this to Avni.

Shweta and Nanno smiles and phone cuts.

At evening:

Avni and Anaya comes out of the lift  with Anaya having a candy floss in her hand eating cutely.

Anaya: Mamma.. Chociiii

Avni: Baby eat this flosh , Chociii Eat afterwards okiieeee?? (Baby eat this first eat chocolate afterwards okay?)

Anaya: Mumma pleash.....(cute puppy face)

Avni sees her face and remembers something.


Boy: Avni listen,  please come to the party.

Avni: Neil I am not coming. I don't want to see that rotten face of Priya and Naina. .

Neil pulls Avni by her waist and says

Neil: Avni pleashhh(with a cute puppy face)

Avni: Neil don't make that face. I am not going to melt.

Neil: I am making this face to melt you.

He says again making the cute puppy face

Avni(melts): Okay fine, let's go.

Neil: Yayyyyyyy I love you Avni.

Avni: I love you too Neil.

Flashback ends.

Avni comes out of her trance hearing her voice.

Anaya: Mummmaa letshhh ooo(Mumma let's go)

Avni: Okayy baby let's go.

On the other side, Neil enters the house when Shweta comes.

Shweta: Come on Mr. Bridegroom, how much you want to roam outside today you can because you are not allowed to go out tomorrow.

Neil: Why Mom?

Shweta: What why? Your marriage is there day after tomorrow.

Neil: Whhhatttt.

On the other side:

Avni: Whattt??? Nanno What are you saying.

Nanno: Yes Avni your marriage is day after tomorrow.

Saying this she goes.

The screen pauses with a lost face of Avni and Neil.


Hope you like it.

Love Love ☺️

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