Chapter 16

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It was 12 am in night. Avni entered Khanna Mansion and closed the doors. She was walking towards his room but stopped seeing Neil looking at her.

Neil: you came Wifey? So how was the meet with patients ohh I am sorry with Ali.

Avni looked at him shocked thinking that he might have known about Anaya.

Avni: Mea...Means?

Avni wiped the sweat formed on her  upper lips.

Neil(laughing mockingly): Means that you left the home saying that you are going to attend your patients but when I called there, they replied that you are on a leave so I was scared that where you will be, I was scared for you. But when I called you I got to know that you are with your Ali.

AvNeil looking towards each other.


Neil: Hello, lifeline hospital, May I speak to Dr. Avni?

Receptionist: Sorry sir she is on a leave today.

Neil: Okayy.

Neil cuts the call.

Neil: Don't know where she would be how she would be. It's also the time for her medicine. I'll call her from other SIM.

Neil calls Avni from the other SIM.

Avni sees her phone and its an unknown call. She picked it up thinking some patient as Truecaller was also not showing Neil's name.

Avni: Hello?

Neil: He..

Ali: Avni come here.

Avni: Yeah just a minute.
(On call): Hello?? Hello? Hello? Who is this?

Neil keeps the phone without saying anything.

Avni sees the phone and kept it aside and goes.

Flashback ends.

Avni was looking down and was going to say something but Neil interrupted.

Neil: You would have eaten your dinner hopefully so take this (giving her pills) have this.

Saying this he goes to the room and sleeps. Avni saw him going and went in the kitchen and saw the food untouched and was totally having mixed emotions of Anger, Sad, Confused.

Avni went in the room and saw Neil sleeping. She changed her clothes and went on the terrace.

Avni: What's exactly going on in Neil's head? Sometimes he shows just hatred and sometimes the love. Sometimes he hurts me and later scares to loose me due to that. I should find out what's going. But how?

Avni bit her lower lips but then she heard a voice.

Person: Want to know why is he doing that ?

Avni turned to see the owner of the voice and saw Prakash. Prakash cane near Avni and stood near her leaning against the railing.

Avni: Papa when did you came from your business tour ?

Prakash: Just an hour ago. Thought to have some fresh air and came here and heard what you were thinking loudly.

Avni (nodding): Okayyy.

Prakash: Won't you ask me why is he doing that?

Avni: Why is he doing that papa? Do you know?

Prakash nods and says.

Prakash: He loves a girl.

Avni looks at him when he says that.

Avni: Ohh.

She nods and looks down saying this.

Prakash: And he thinks that girl cheated him.

Prakash looks at Avni who was shocked hearing this. Prakash keeps his hand on Avni's head and caress it. Avni came out of her trance and looked at her controlling her tears and smiles.

Prakash: Child, what happened between you two that Neil is so angry at you.

Avni looked at him and got confused and asked.

Avni: Means?

Prakash: Mean that I know everything about you and Neil.

Avni: Still you let Neil marry me?

Prakash:Yess because I know you never cheated on Neil. There is some misunderstanding between you both which made you apart. He still loves you.

Avni starts crying hearing this and Prakash hugs her and caress her hairs and consols her. They broke the hug, Avni wiped her tears.

Prakash: What had happened Avni? Say something?

Avni: I don't know papa why he went? Actually what happened that day was...
(Chapter 11):
He was sitting in the garden when Avni came to him overloaded with happiness and hugged him but Neil jerked her hands took her off him and said.

Neil: Avni it's over.

Avni: what over Neil?

Neil: This relationship. I think we should stop here.

Avni: Neil don't joke around. This is not funny.

Neil: I am not joking. We are no more in any kind of relationship. It's over.

Avni: Neil but why? Tell me? Did I do some mistake? If yes then I am sorry but please don't leave me and go. I don't have anyone except you. Neill please.... 

But he went from there without even turning back and looking at her tears at least for once. Avni stood their crying.

Flashback ends.

Prakash: Did something happened before this?

Avni: No papa nothing. That day when we met, Neil broke all ties with me. And till date, I don't know the reason.

Prakash nods. Avni thought something and says.

Avni: Papa I need to tell you something.

Prakash looks at her and says.

Prakash: What?

Avni: I'll tell you in the morning.

Avni goes saying this and Prakash also went then being tired.


Love Love☺️

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