Chapter 11 || Tiny Trouble

Start from the beginning

"exactly my boy," the deep voice says, strengthening the hard stare of jungkook's eyes straight nowhere but the sky, "go home tomorrow. if you meet jimin, remember that he's one of taehyung's kind, not your brother. and you don't have to be scared, he can't arrest you just like that, you were reported dead, he'll need long ass procedures before finally arresting you, and of course he's got no proof against you."

"i'll handle him," jungkook mutters, "thanks for informing though,"

"don't be any soft for him jungkook. he didn't save your ass that day, and he will still point his gun at your head if he has to."

"i know that, nobody here is my own."

"good, remember that. i'll look into everything and let you know, just follow my orders."

"yes hyung,"


as hayeon pulls in the driveway, she's left surprised that a police car is parked there in place of her father's suv. she steps out with a frown, recognising the car to be extremely familiar until her eyes land on the man sitting by the porch of the house, "officer park?"

"ah hayeonie, took you long enough," he stands up, dusting his pants as he's in his service uniform and looks around with his eyebrows raised at an angle, "you were out alone at this time?"

"no, jungkook was with me, but he got a call from one of his friends, they needed help so he left."

"left you alone at night?" jimin frowns, staring at her as she unlocks the door and opens it wide for him to go in first. jimin however, holds the door for her, gesturing his hand for her to lead instead. hayeon smiles at him, putting the keys away and kicks off her shoes, throwing herself on the couch as jimin does the same, straightening his back after driving all the way from seoul to busan.

"i'll get you something to drink, but let me take a minute," hayeon mumbles, "i'm so tired..."

"what were you doing?"

"just a lot of walking and talking," she shrugs, finally standing up after a moment and heads to the kitchen, "water or coke or wine or soju or-"

"do you have a bar here?" jimin frowns and hayeon grins, nodding her head as she points to the side of the kitchen where a whole separate bar is standing, grabbing all of jimin's attention. his mouth waters just at the sight, and he's already on his feet, heading in the direction of heaven for him while hayeon takes her place behind the counter, "i am in love this place! since when do you have this?"

"not too long, dad renovated the house last year and... tada!"

"wow," jimin licks his lips, "am i getting something?"

"yes sir, please order,"

"don't you ruin my drink, or get aside i'll make it."

"nooo! you're the guest, you just say and i'll present it to you. trust me."

"just vodka for now,"

"are you sure?" hayeon gives him a look but that doesn't stop her from taking out the drink as jimin smirks proudly, nodding his head.

"you're the one with a low tolerance, sweetheart, not me."

"why do people keep calling me with those nicknames?" hayeon clicks her tongue, keeping her eyes on the glass as she pours different liquids and stirs it slowly, then adds a few ice cubes, "sweetheart, princess, little girl and i don't know what else,"

"who does?" jimin's tone comes more deep this time, making hayeon look up him, "tell me who dares to call you that?"

"some people," hayeon says with a challenging look, sliding his drink towards him carefully, "you tell me how are you here today?"

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