Chapter 11

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The second Jungkook smelt his shirt, his mind fogged. He closed his eyes inhaling the drugging scent deeply once again and went stumbling backwards a few steps.. losing his balance.

Hobi was soon to react and held Kook by his elbow, "careful!"
Jin just shook his head telling "His mate's an Alpha. His scent must be really strong"

Hobi:"Did you guys mate? When did you found out?"

Kook balanced himself steadily. He doesn't know how to answer the question. What should he say.. we didn't mate but we pounced on eachother?

Kook:"No" was all he could mutter.

Jin:"Lair! His scent's really heavy all over you and you say you didn't mate."

Kook looked down and he just wanted to dig a hole and bury himself right there. He has never felt this kinda embarrassment in his entire life. He felt stupid.

Hobi:"I don't think he's lying. Kook wouldn't lie to us. Maybe they fought or something". Kook looked at Hobi like he's a saviour descended from the sky.

Jin just scoffed. Deep down even Hobi knew something happened between the two Alphas but he wants to save Kookie from the embarrassment.

          After watching Jungkook running out the school door, Taehyung took a minute to clear his mind. He closed his eyes and shook his head hoping to divert his attention from the things that just happened between him and his mate.

He headed to where Jimin is since he knew all of his friend's schedule and waited till that class got over.

Tae was waiting leaning on the wall when Jimin came outside. He almost walked past Tae but was stopped by Tae calling, "Jimina.."

Jimin was startled with Tae's voice cause he thought it was someone from the Jeon pack. His eyes widened while looking at Tae. "" he pointed his fingers in Tae's chest and leaned towards him.. sniffing once again.

Tae was confused at first but soon saw Jimin's nostrils flaring like he's smelling something and he realised, he must smell like Jungkook now.

Tae:"Come on, we have to go." he tried to distract his friend. But Jimin was not having it.

Jimin:"Did he accept you? You smell like him everywhere" he said with a pretend disgust.

Tae couldn't help but laugh at his friend's response.. "knock it off. We didn't talk yet"

Jimin:"What the hell Taehyung? Then why it smells like you guys bathed in each other's sweat?"

Tae:"we.... we just kissed?"

Jimin:"Are you asking me? You little shit. I asked you to talk first. If he rejected you after all this, you wouldn't survive you idiot" he gave Tae a whack at the back of his head.

Tae:"I know you are trying to help me. But trust me when I say, his scent was too fucking intoxicating to talk when I am near him"

Jimin just laughed, "you're drooling all over the floor". This is gonna be weird through and through. Two Alphas.. Both of them male.. Jimin wants to see how his friend who is always very proud and dominant in nature deals with his mate who's a dominant Alpha too and He wanted to tease him a little..

Jimin:"So... who's gonna top?" he asked keeping a straight face and he was holding his laugh so much that it hurts his cheeks.

Tae was startled by his question.. and when he turned to look at Jimin, Jimin's self control lost and he brust out laughing.. "shut the fuck up" Tae said walking few steps ahead of Jimin inorder to not reveal his blushing face.

They both made their way to the car and once inside, Tae took his phone and dialled his dad.



Tae:"Dad, I heard warnings. Me and Jimin are on the way. Where do you want us to come?"

Tae could hear Namjoon hesitating for some reason he couldn't quite grasp. Then he heard his father once more.. "Come to the Jeon pack's cabin house"

Tae knew his dad went there this morning and had expected this answer, "okay dad. We will be there in few minutes"

They knew where it is as they had already went there a couple of times with Alpha Namjoon for some discussions between Alphas. So he started the car and drove off in that direction.

Now that Jimin pointed out that 'top, bottom' topic, he couldn't help but think about it on the way. He just never thought about it before.. not even when they were pressing onto eachother and kissing fiercely. All he wanted right that moment was to feel his mate, the touch of his skin and the sounds escaping Kook's mouth when he did things to him. He doesn't care whether he is under or over him. He just wants to feel his mate's breath on his skin. He just wants Jungkook to be his.

When they both got out of the car, the scent of his mate immediately attacked Tae and his eyes found Kook not more than a second later.

As the Alpha of the pack ordered, Jungkook gathered 5 of their pack deltas for the patrol. All of them including Jin and Hobi were outside the cabin, removing their shirts and some of them even their pants to shift into their wolves. Incase of a sudden emergency, they have no choice but to shift tearing up all the clothes. But this time, they have time so it would look foolish to not remove the clothes beforehand.

Jungkook took his shirt off revealing wide shoulders and perfectly toned body.. not too lean, not too muscular. It was the hottest body on the earth Taehyung has ever soon. He gulped seeing kook and inside his brain, his wolf was howling with hunger.

Jungkook might have caught the scent of his mate because he whipped his head up and caught Tae staring at him. He suddenly became very aware of his naked upper body. At first he wanted to remove his pants too but now he just dropped his shirt on the rack and took off in a run followed by all the other members.

Tae caught a glimpse of faint marks on his neck and he doesn't know why but somewhere inside of him he felt... proud?

Jimin just circled him, his eyes scanning every inch of Tae's exposed neck since he's wearing a tshirt and he found no trace of any marks. "So... you are the culprit?"

Tae gave a little smirk. And walked forward. Jimin just continued, "There's only two options that might have happened. Whether you kept him too occupied from marking you or.. he is not interested in doing that. What's it?"

Tae is starting to get annoyed. He just put his arms around Jimin's neck and yanking him.. keeping him in hold.. "you gonna shut up or what?"

Jimin shot up both his hands.. "okay okay I give up"

       When they were about to enter inside, both Namjoon and Mr.Jeon made their way outside.. talking with eachother.

"Dad"  Tae greeted Namjoon, walking towards them.

"Tae it's good that you brought Jimin. We need to track some Betas"

Tae nodded at his dad and looked over at Mr.Jeon, "Alpha Jeon, Good to see you"

Mr.Jeon:"Good to see you too Taehyung. You've grown much since the last time I saw you" he smiled.

Tae felt warmness filling inside his heart.. like he's talking to a new family member. He couldn't maintain his indifferent attitude towards Mr.Jeon anymore. He smiled back at him. His real heartfelt smile.

Tae:"Mr.Jeon I need your permission to inquire Suga"

Mr.Jeon:"we've tried to ask him about the attack in more than one way but he wouldn't open his mouth"

Tae:"if you don't mind, I'd like to try my luck sir"

Mr.Jeon and Namjoon exchanged a look... "okay.."  Mr.Jeon then called two of his pack members and asked them to take Tae and Jimin to where they held..... Suga.


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