Chapter 2

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Few houses away from Kim's household was the beta of the pack Mr.Park Ryan's home. A sudden sound went of from the phone on the bedside table upstairs. Soon a hand was shot out from inside the covers to reach the phone. With a low growl, Jimin pushed the covers to the floor to sit up on the bed.

Jimin:"Hey.. " he said grogilly after looking at the name on the screen.

Tae:"I am not doing any of it alone. You need to come with me.." he said as soon as he heard jimin's voice.

Jimin was speechless and confused for a second. He didn't even fully opened his eyes. Scratching his head he asked "I have no idea what you are talking about..." But he suddenly cut himself off.. his eyes going wide in the realisation.. "wait.. did he asked you to go? No way in hell I am going there."

Tae:"As your Alpha, you need to obey..." he tried to use his power.

Jimin:"Not yet you're not." He immediately shot back.

Tae was silent for a moment. He knows jimin is just kidding. They did everything together from their childhood. Growing up together, they knew well than to let the other go to Jeon's house alone.

Jimin was a Beta just like his father who is second in command of the pack. He was expected to assume his father's position soon and he is more than happy to do so. Everything he knows and loves revolves around this pack. He wouldn't ever ask for more. Though he looks cute on the outside, he's considered ruthless when it comes to combat and also one of the most powerful tracker in the country.
But the one thing that separates him from other werewolves is, he is half-blood. His mom is a human.

When his pack couldn't accept the fellow member love a human, Mr.Park Ryan decided to run away with her and seeked help from Namjoon who was also his school mate. From Namjoon taking incharge of his pack to till now, Ryan was by his side. A very loyal Beta to his Alpha.

Jimin was brought up along with Taehyung. At first, other pups used to pick on Jimin for his half-blood, but Taehyung would keep them in leash. And they both then grew up to be the closest of friends. With the help of Tae, other members also slowly accepted Jimin over time despite his difference.

Jimin and Tae is like those popular guys in school

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Jimin and Tae is like those popular guys in school. Girls looking at them with heart eyes and boys with admiration and a little jealous is what they deal with in school everyday. But they got used to it quick. Basically any normal werewolves are more attractive than a human and if it's an Alpha or a Beta, it's attractiveness overloaded. Their friends are mostly werewolves but they have some human friends too. They roam the school hall with their friends like the kings. But it all comes to a halt when they are in the same room with the Jeons. The stiff uncomfortable atmosphere even make some of the humans to feel the tension in the air.

They are not enemies. But not friends either. Jeons moved here 6 years ago. Packs around the town was first refused to let them stay. But Mr.Kim Namjoon, Alpha of the Kim pack was the one Mr.Jeon came to.. to sort things out. Namjoon, as the good hearted person that he is understood where they came from and immediately held a meeting to convince all the other packs.

Though their Alphas are on good terms, the pups didn't feel the need to make friends with eachother. Both pack members even avoided each other. And what's worse? Them going to the same school.

Being a single True blood Alpha is blessing but having another one with the same quality in the same school is a little down on luck. Though they both don't show it on the outside, rivalry was evident for those who hang out with them. In order not to cause any damage to the friendship between the two pack leaders, both Tae and Jungkook kept a good distance between them.. and also keeping their respective pack members under control. Always showing competitive spirit only when it is needed so as to not raise any doubts of the humans.

A big sigh was heard through the phone and hearing it.. Tae felt a little relaxed.
Jimin:"what is the time?" he asked with a lazy tone

Tae:"Tomorrow evening. We have to be there at 4"

Jimin:"Hmm. Do we have to buy gifts?"
he felt like he could vomit at the thought of giving gifts to Jeon Jungkook or was it because of yesterday's hangover..

Tae:"oh shit.. I almost forgot. its a birthday party so yeah I think we should" he said ending with a exasperated growl.

Jimin:"Ok ok.. come on. Cheer up. Worst thing that can happen is us witnessing him smooching his mate.. but that's only a... IF"

Tae:"whoa... That makes it so much better. Thank you. Now no one erase the image from my mind."

Jimin gave a little chuckle before saying, "lunch's on you. Pick me up. And hey.... don't talk anymore about those fools. We have waited for 13 long years for this day."

Tae immediately shot up from his bed. He almost forgot about the movie. They booked the tickets a week ago. Avatar was a movie they both enjoyed when they were little kids. When the second part was announced, they were overjoyed. And now the waiting is over.

Tae looked at the clock and the movie starts in 2 hours time.

Tae:"you idiot. Get your ass up and get ready. We can't miss even the title. I will fuc**** kill you if you eat like a tortoise"

Jimin was laughing the whole time hearing him talk. He knows Tae almost forgot about the movie and also knows he will not hesitate to kill him if he delayed any further.

Soon after they cut the call, jimin went to the bathroom and got ready. Coming downstairs, he could already hear his mother talking with the soon to be Alpha in-charge and his best friend Taehyung.

Mrs.Park:"I remember you guys watching that movie on repeat.." She was talking to taehyung who sat at the kitchen table holding a glass of mango juice listening to her talk with a boxy smile.

Seeing Jimin coming downstairs, Tae just gulped the drink and got up to leave, "Finally....!" he said with his arms open like welcoming someone who haven't seen eachother for a long time but infact it was just yesterday when they both got drunk and caught by their parents, earning themselves a good scolding from their Pack leader.

Jimin was quick to walk out grabbing Tae by the arms that spread open to tease him, "see you later mom" he didn't forget to say.

Tae:"see you later Mrs.park" he followed jimin.

Mrs.Park:"Be good boys. Remember what happened yesterday. Don't push us and be good." She warned before waving them goodbye "Enjoy!".

They got into Tae's car and it roared to life. They may have to deal with the devils tomorrow but today... it's their day.

(Author's note: This story is a slow burn. I repeat.. A Slow Burn.
Don't forget to leave your opinion abt the story. It will keep me motivated. Thanks)

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