Chapter 5

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    Tae and Jimin finally parked their car infront of the Jeon's house

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    Tae and Jimin finally parked their car infront of the Jeon's house. Jimin grabbed the gift box and hopped down. When he didn't hear Tae getting out of the car, he turned around saying, "Come on! Let's get this over with"

But Tae was staring at the steering wheel, hands on his chest. His heart was beating like it's about to burst out. It's like someone else is in control of his body.

Jimin:"what happened?" he asked with concern seeing Tae who's motionless. When Tae didn't answer, he walked to the other side, "Come on Tae" he said patting his shoulder. Jimin doesn't know what happened to Tae. His friend is not feeling well from the morning and he just couldn't understand why. And it's only getting worse by the minute.

Tae was slow to react and got down from the car soon. Ofcourse he could hear Jimin calling him but he couldn't make his body react. Every step he took towards the house, he could feel the pull getting stronger and stronger. He had this sudden desire to just run inside and see who it leads him to. He had heard stories of meeting the fated mates but hearing it is different than feeling it in person. This... is just cruel. Even thinking about how easily someone can control his thoughts and emotions is making him feel weak...


  Jungkook had been standing for an hour, putting on smiles and greeting the guests non stop

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  Jungkook had been standing for an hour, putting on smiles and greeting the guests non stop. His anxiety getting worse by the minute. He needs some fresh air but they wouldn't let him leave the hall. They are everywhere, surrounding him and all the noise mixed into one big beep at some point. His ears are buzzing and he started to sweat. He felt like someone's calling him and his wolf which was usually a silent one became tumultuous.
  That's when he smelt it. The scent. The scent that was not too sweet, not too musk.. it was perfect and also overpowering all the other werewolves scents. A rich scent of  vanilla with a flowery tinge to it that made Jungkook brimming with desire.

The Alphas | TAEKOOK Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora