"Are you like boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"No Miguel, He's just a really good friend that's all."

"Do you kiss?"

"No, we don't kiss," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I bet you wish you do kiss." He added, smirking at me.

"No, I don't" I lied.

"I don't believe you!" He shouted, "I'm going to tell João!"

"Tell him what?" I said, as my eyes widened at his response.

"That you love him," Miguel said, walking up the stairs to his room.


"They are so chatty," I whispered to Diego pointing out João and Luzia talking and smiling.

"Ew, she's such a pick me with him," Diego expressed, rolling his eyes.

I couldn't help but feel a strong sense of jealousy between João and Luzia. Luzia was everything I wasn't. She was blonde, has a nice smile, is smart, and rich. To be honest, thinking about João's exes, he seemed to have a type, which was definitely blonde. It sucks that I'm a brunette sometimes. 

The door of my English class swung open to see Santiago Pereira walk in with a bunch of people, beaming.

"Santiago's not in this class," Diego said, confused.

He stood in the middle of the classroom in front of the whiteboard, smirking. All the people he walked in with, stood beside him.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled.

"Natalie," He spoke, "Will you go to prom with me?" He held out a bouquet of flowers.

All of the people beside him lifted up papers spelling out P-R-O-M-?

She giggled and nodded walking up to him and giving him a hug.

The whole class and the teacher applauded Santiago and Natalie, and Santiago left the classroom.

I groaned, "Already?"

"I know, I gotta step up my game," Diego stated.

In the corner of the classroom, João thought the exact same thing.


It was my last period of school, math. Math is something that you either love or hate. For me personally, it's 50/50. 50% of me hates it, but another 50% of me loves it when I know what I'm doing. Luckily for me, I've been studying for this test for 2 months so if I do badly I don't even know what I'm doing wrong at this point.

I read and corrected my exam at least 5 times before I walked up and turned it in. I asked to go to the bathroom, and I escaped to the hallway.

I let out a breath of relief as I started to wander along the corridors of my school. I was about to reach the bathroom when I heard someone call my name.

"Bea!" The voice echoed.

I turned my head behind me, and I saw a boy called Will Oliveira calling me. Will was a very handsome boy at our school that tons of girls really wanted. Last year, most of the girls rated all the boys in our grade, and he was number 1.

"Hi Will," I answered politely.

"Um... Hey." He stuttered.

It was weird. Will getting nervous? He was normally very confident, so I was a little worried about what he had to say. I walked closer to him, so we didn't have to shout to the other end of the corridor.

"Nice to see you, Bea." He expressed, smiling.

"Hey, Will. How are you?" I asked, getting a little anxious.

"I'm great, how about you?"

"I just finished my math exam, so I'm kind of shaken up."

"Yeah, I had mine in the first period."

"Um, so." He spoke.

"I was wondering," He continued, "If you would maybe like to um... go to the prom with me?"

My eyes widened. "Will, I'm really sorry, you're a great guy, but I'm kind of waiting on someone to ask me."

"I see." He said, looking at his shoes. "It's João right?"

I just bit my lip in response, with a guilty look on my face and a slight nod.

"Again, I'm really sorry."

He nodded in response and started to wander away from me.

"Will!" I called after him.

He spun on the balls of his feet to listen to me.

"If anything happens, I'll call you," I told him.

He smiled, nodded, and started to walk away again.

I sighed. Why was I waiting for João? Will is an attractive guy, I know a lot of girls who are after him, why can't I just let João go? It's clearly obvious that he wants to go to Prom with Luzia, so why am I waiting for him?

 Why was I waiting for João? Will is an attractive guy, I know a lot of girls who are after him, why can't I just let João go? It's clearly obvious that he wants to go to Prom with Luzia, so why am I waiting for him?

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Hi guys,

Giving Bea some options here, giving her second thoughts about Joao too

to lazy for a QOTD today so


𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞~𝐉𝐨ã𝐨 𝐅é𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now