Secrets of Eye of the Tiger...So Beat It P1

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(Craig pov)


"Hey, have you been taking your med today?"

Seriously, is she really asking me that?

"Yeah, Ash. I have, I j—, just not in a hungry mood today."

"Okay then, I was just making sure if you were alright."

Stop lying, you and I both know you just wanted to make sure I don't go "crazy Craig"..

"Ashley, everything's fine, quit worrying so much." I said, feeling annoyed as I walked passed her with my food and sat down with Marco.


"You sent me to Ellie's group." I said to Ashley, feeling betrayed by what she did.

"Which she loves. I didn't think you'd mind." She claims.

"Well, then you didn't think at all. Ashley, how could you do that?" I questioned, getting a bit upset.

"What do you mean, I was just doing what I thought would be best for you, Craig. You cannot tell me you didn't like being there."

"Look, that isn't the po-"

"Then what is it, Craig?! Is it such a crime for a girlfriend to think of doing something really thoughtful for her boyfriend, and when she does it, he just freaks out? I mean, don't get mad at me for caring, and wanting to help with your wellbeing. Crai—...Know what, it doesn't matter. They asked about you." She frustratedly says, making me cringe at my behavior as I feel guilty. Not wanting to go any further with what she said, Ashley decided to mention her dad and his 'friend', Chris for no reason.

"About who? Crazy Craig?" I answered, rolling my eyes. Just with the annoyance at how she's been treating me plus dealing with my bipolar issues along with other stuff, I couldn't help but vent. Vent about how I'm beyond annoyed with how she's been treating me since I told her about my diagnosis of bipolar, with her not caring about how I feel about her constant reminder about whether or not I took my medicine, not caring that I heard what she said about my behavior at my dad's funeral, and she definitely doesn't really care our relationship is going in a much different direction.

"Know what, Ashley! I don't thi-, no I don't wanna keep continuing this, so I'm taking walk. But don't worry, I won't be gone for too long and I made sure to bring my medications and water. Lots and lots of water." I bitterly said, before slamming my door shut.

Once I left, I decided to take a breather I very much needed, and just walk around. As I was feeling a little okay, getting some time for myself, I received a text message.

Not feeling the need to answer it since I knew who it was from, I ignored it and went on walking.

*phone convo*

"Uh, h—hey, Jimmy. It's Craig, Sorry if I was interrupting."

"Oh nah, it's fine. So how ya been, Craig? Fill me in with what's going on."

"Oh okay then," I said before informing him about what happened at Degrassi, starting off with Spinner and Jay working as lunch ladies, a fight almost broke out between Jay and me, and of course, my falling out with Ashley.

Once I was finished telling Jimmy what was going on, I knew I was gonna get some advice from him.

"Alright, Craig. I think that you should talking it out with Ashley one last time, and if things hadn't changed, then just end it. If I were you, I'd try focusing on this group therapy thing, because it sounds like to me, that might be a good thing."

"I guess. Alright, Jim, thanks for the advice, man. I'll make sure to visit you tomorrow."

"Sure, man. Bye Craig."
*End of phone convo*

After talking to jimmy on the phone, I knew he is probably right.

*At my garage*

"And what's bizarre is that I'm always gonna be a cutter. Even if I don't do it for years, it's still me." She adds.

"Well, that sucks." I commented, knowing that feeling.

"It just - it just is. It doesn't matter how I feel or how anyone else feels." Ellie continues, hoping that I fully understand.

"I'm bipolar. And apparently, it doesn't matter if I think that sucks either." I admitted.

"They think Kurt Cobain was bipolar." She comment, trying to make me feel better and it worked.

"Yeah, but still.." I agree

"All she talks about lately is my medication, my shrink and my moods." I continued, getting tired of Ashley treatment.

"She cares about you. A lot." She said, defending her as if what Ashley did wasn't anything too bad.

"I know. It's just ever since she found out about you know, she's just been on my back about it as if I don't already know I need to take them."

"I'll admit she was going a little overboard today, at lunch but like I said, she just cares about you a lot. Maybe you go and apologize to her."

"Alright, I will. Thanks, Ellie."

"Sure, Craig."

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