Chapter 17 - The Pictures

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Thinking it would be stupid to express how she felt to Angela, she sighed and got up as she told her to forget it but it was easier said than done because Angela's curiosity only intensified. She followed Olivia around the house while asking her where it hurt and Olivia gave the same response. She only managed to get away once she entered her room and shut the door.

Getting away from Angela felt like a huge mission accomplished and as she sighed with relief, she slid down the door and curled up. She couldn't stop picturing Natalie in nothing but Ethan's shirt in the morning and the type of night they must have had together. The more she thought about the two of them, the more it hurt but she just couldn't help it.

She then realized that thinking about them only brought her pain and to put a stop to it, she needed a distraction so she opened the door for Angela and instructed her to make her something to eat but before Angela could leave to the kitchen, she got closer and placed her hands together.

"Ma'am, I think I overstepped my boundaries once again when I pestered you about the same thing. As of this moment, I'll know my place."

"No," she chuckled. "I'm glad you care so much that you pester me. It feels great to finally have some company here and know that someone cares about me."

"That's exactly what I said to Mr Hudson!"

She went on to explain how she couldn't hide her excitement when she heard she would be working for Olivia, which Olivia found amusing and it got her mind off of Ethan and Natalie.

They then headed to the kitchen together and engaged in random conversations until Angela brought up Ethan again. "I'll miss running Mr Hudson's house and arranging all his books in the study in order."

"Since when did he leave a mess in the study? As far as I'm concerned, Ethan isn't one to engage in reading a lot."

"He usually reads one book in particular with a light blue cover and green border lines on all sides.

"It must be a book about business management," Olivia assumed.

"Yes, but I'm not sure because I've never seen the title. It's a book he keeps with him at all times. You want to know something else, ma'am? It also doesn't make sense to me that the light blue book is about business because if it was, he would pay just as much attention to the other books since they're all about the same topic! Don't you agree?"

Not finding much interest in Ethan reading a book, Olivia spoke about what she wanted to eat and how Angela should prepare it. She also made sure to not bring up Ethan and warned her about it.


When the sun set and Ethan returned home, he found his mother waiting in the living room and impatiently tapping her foot. He apologized and lost track of time since he was with Pete and forgot he had to meet with her.

She placed her wrist over her nose when she asked if he had been drinking and he chuckled as he assured her he wasn't drunk at all. He noticed how serious and restless she was so he asked what the problem was. She told him that she had something to say but in the presence of Olivia, which was unusual for Ethan to hear because he knew how his mother felt about his ex-wife.

"Why do you even want to see Olivia?" he asked.

"You'll find out when we get there."

"Can't it wait? Right when I walked in, I received a call and was told my suit had arrived. Remember the one I burnt because of that beggar?"

"Just take me to Olivia, immediately!"

"Whoa! Calm down. I'll take you to her," he said, then wondered what she had to say but despite how many times he asked, she said nothing about it.


Olivia had enjoyed Angela's cooking so much that she had another bowl with her and was about to have a seat when the doorbell rang. She instantly thought it was Pete and it took her a while to respond but to her surprise, someone barged in and she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Ms Hudson.

"I didn't say you could come in," said Olivia.

With heavy breathing, Ms Hudson approached Olivia and snatched the bowl from her and dropped it to the ground, the shattering glass making Olivia flinch and step back as she covered her mouth.

"Mom! What's wrong with you?" asked Ethan as he rushed to Olivia. "Are you alright?"

Olivia nodded, then looked at Ms Hudson once she began to lash out.

"You've been enjoying yourself, huh? Ms Hudson scoffed at Olivia. "Just look at all the spacious rooms, privacy and meals you could never afford on your own!" Just then, Angela came rushing downstairs while asking what was wrong since she heard something break but the moment she saw Ms Hudson, she froze. "My son even gave you Angela? How special do you think you are?"

"Why are you doing this? Don't forget she's pregnant," he said.

"So what? That's no concern of mine and it shouldn't be yours either, especially with what I discovered. That child isn't yours!"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Olivia yelled.

"You have the nerve to talk back when you know you've been sleeping with another man and it's been going on for such a long time?"

"Mom, what's gotten into you?"

"Oh my innocent son, you were so quick to believe that she's pregnant for you but the truth is she's just taking advantage of all we have. Did you know that she's been sleeping with Pete behind your back?"

"What?" asked Ethan then looked at Olivia, who just stood there with her mouth open but couldn't say a word.

"Pete's even been coming here and they've continued sleeping with each other," said Ms Hudson. "When this good for nothing got pregnant, she obviously knew Pete was the father but it was best to pin it on you!"

"That's enough!" yelled Olivia then looked at Ethan, who just stared at her with a creased forehead. "Ethan, this isn't true. You have to believe me." Before she could explain further, a rustling envelope from Ms Hudson's handbag caught her attention.

"You're not getting out of this by deceiving my son. Try explaining these pictures!" Ms Hudson yelled as she scattered them on the table.

Rage was about to take over, especially when the picture that Ethan's eyes landed on first, was that of Olivia standing by the door with her hand on Pete's chest.

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