Level 47: Passing To The Next Stage

276 13 3

"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

[MIGHTY ACTION X!] = Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

"I am here!" = All Might Muscle form

'Welcome' = Sign

"Henshin!" = Transforming

The students of Ketsubutsu were hiding behind some boulders strategizing their next move

"Let's see the 62 people have passed the exam, another 32 and it will finally be over." Mera announced

"Alright, guys, let's think about our situation, at the beginning of the exam, we focused on attacking UA, splitting them up, and putting them in check right off the board, now our school is going after them in two groups, but a bunch of other classes took advantage of our work and are at the Final Stage of the test, so everyone is fighting at max levels and the arenas full of vast chaos, it's a war zone." Grand explained to his team

"I mean, I know I was rushing, but if you really think about it this is a really good place to be in, as long as we don't freak out, we can take advantage of the current state of the exam and the desperate players involved right now all anyone can think of right now are the number of pass slots so they're panicking about being careless, burning through stamina, they got tunnel vision and targeting UA since they got the most intel on them which means we can lie and wait till the perfect moment to strike, we basically already passed the test." Grand Claimed

"It's about time you stopped pretending to be so nice, honestly, your too sneaky, YO." Turtle Neck joked

"I'd preferred to be called tactful, besides if we swoop in the eleventh hour and make it a good show, it will prove we have an indomitable spirit, everyone taking the exam is struggling to live up to their own ideals." Grand said as his team appeared themselves to some struggling "I respect that, but I can't go easy on them." he claimed

With Bakugo's team

"UA High School. I respect the school." Seiji said, "I take pride that we are counted as equals." he said, "However, you Bakugo, continuously act in ways that cause its dignity to decline." he said

"He's gonna do that thing again!" Denki said, "That gross thing!" he said

"Shut up!" Bakugo said, "Obligation? Dignity?" he asked, "You just won't stop talking..." he said, "Show us with your actions, not your mouth, sir." he said

"You are a loudmouth, Bakugo!" Seiji said attacking and Bakugo charged at him

"AP Shot: Auto-Cannon!" Bakugo said shooting a weaker version of his AP Shot, shooting down the meats "I made it weaker to use against people, though." he said

"Man, everyone hates you for the same reason!" Denki said

'Damn it, I cannot believe I fell for it.' Seiji thought recalling his flesh

"Those gross things scattered around... are going back?!" Denki asked

"A mentality that reacts impulsively to a simple provocation..." Seiji said, 'That is something that depends solely on how proud a person is.' he thought, "In that case, I will break him myself and make him understand..." he said, "Behavior befitting the school one belongs to is what it means to be dignified." he said preparing to attack

"What's with this guy?" Denki asked

"No, he just really hates Bakugo." Izuku said

"He talks too much." Bakugo said, "I'll kill him!" he said running toward Seiji

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