Level 4: A Rider-First Day

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

[MIGHTY ACTION X!] = Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

"I am here!" = All Might Muscle form

'Welcome' = Sign

"Henshin!" = Transforming

In the Midoriya resident

Currently, Izuku is preparing what he needs for school, and his mother and Parad are helping him check.

"Okay, Izuku do you have tissues?" Inko said

"Yeah." Izuku said

"Your handkerchief?" Inko said

"Yes." Izuku said

"Pencil and notebook?" Inko said

"Okay, Parad is all the gashat in the briefcase?" Inko ask turn to Parad

"Yes they are all in there, everything is ready." Parad said, closing the briefcase

"Don't worry mom, we ready is what we dream of for so long." Izuku said

"Yeah and don't forget I will be with him every step of the way, well inside him." Parad said

"Oh I know, I'm just happy for you Izuku, you finally going to your dream school and becoming and great hero," Inko said

"Okay mom, we'll be going now." Izuku said adjusting the ties on his uniform

And put on his backpack as well as fist pump with Parad to get infected by him

"Okay, mom I'm off." Izuku said as he reached for the doorknob and opened the door

"Izuku." Inko said getting Izuku attention "You look amazing, good luck." she said

"Thank you, mom bye." Izuku said walking out the door and to the train station for him to get to U.A, it took half an hour to U.A, after arriving at his stop and getting off the train, then it was a 5-minute walk, after arriving at U.A, he went inside and searched for his classroom

"Class 1A, 1A the place is huge it hard to find my classroom," Izuku said as he continues to search for his classroom

Finally, he found his classroom, the door was big with the letter 1A on it

"Wow the door is big, it must be for being who have enlargement Quirks guess that makes sense, I just hope Kacchan and that guy aren't in the same class as me, it is so annoying." Izuku said

"You and me both Izuku." Parad said in Izuku though as Izuku opened the door but

"You give your foot off the table now." Tenya said

"Huh." Izuku said

"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the excellent craftsman who made the desk?" Tenya said

"Nope! What school did you go to, you side characters?" Bakugo said

'Of course, this is going to be annoying.' Izuku thought as he walks to his desk which was, unfortunately, behind Bakugo

Tenya stopped for one moment as he began to speak again,

"Let's start over. I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida." Tenya said

Bakugo scoffed

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I will have fun crushing you." Bakugo said

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