Level 20: Gear up for the Exam

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

[MIGHTY ACTION X!] = Gashat sound

[CRITICAL!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

"I am here!" = All Might Muscle form

'Welcome' = Sign

"Henshin!" = Transforming

"It's Live TV until the afternoon. And here are our two guests. Rookie Hero, who just debuted this year, Mt. Lady, and Midnight, who has currently taken up a teaching position at UA." The Host announced "Thank you for coming. Please sit down." he said

"Thank you." Midnight said as she and Mt. Lady sit down

"Now this is a topic that has been on everyone's mind and you two heard of him, he's the Rising New Hero, who beat the Hero Killer Stain, The Multiple: Muteki what do you two have to say about him?" the Host asked the two pros.

"Well as his teacher I must say he has a lot of potentials as a Pro Hero his Skill is unmatched by his fellow students and his power to transform make him a Powerful Hero, I dare say he could be the Next Number One Hero." Midnight explained

"And what about you Mt. Lady, what do you think of him?" The Host asked

"Well, when I first saw him back at that slime villain incident when a villain had a hostage he transforms and saves the Hostage then freezes the villain, when I first looked at him, he was cute but now he's handsome." Mt. Lady said "I wouldn't mind going out with him." she said

"It's best you stay back because I have my eyes on him first and he's mine!" Midnight yelled

"As if he's mine, you old lady!" Mt. Lady yelled at her back

"You want to go!" Midnight yelled angrily

"Bring it on!" Mt. Lady said and jump at Midnight.

While they fought Mineta was watching the show with a jealous face and crying

"Midoriya you Lucky Bastard." Mineta said.

The Next Day in Class.

"It's almost time for summer vacation, don't get too excited, you can't just relax for an entire month." Aizawa informed.

"Does that mean?" Denki asked while Eijiro looked worriedly.

"You'll be training, while you're camping in the woods." Aizawa told his students.

"I knew it, All right!!!"

"A big sleepover!" Mina cheered.

"Baths." Mineta shouted.

"Fireworks." Tsuyu said.

"Springs!" Mineta shouted

"And smores!" Tenya added

"Skinny dipping!" Mineta shouted.

"We've been training in cities this will be very different conditions for most of us." Momo realized.

"No matter what the environment, we must always remain vigilant, yes very wise." Tokoyami stated.

"Hanging out with everyone all summer it's so exciting!" Toru cheered until...

"However... those of you who don't pass the exam before the semester is over, we'll have summer school." Aizawa informed and activates his Quirk.

"Everyone does your best." Eijiro demanded.

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