Part Twenty Three-Back to Basics

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Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Before it begins, I'd just like to say that I've once again changed the suit that I'd like to use ( ̄▽ ̄). Check out the about chapter of you wanna see it. Unless you're a new reader and already have seen it lol...

Kenta POV
I can't...give in...I can't surrender my body over to this creature!

Fading in and out of consciousness as I swing throughout the city, fighting for control over my own body as I narrowly avoid crashing into buildings.

"Why must you fight me! You're making a huge mistake by rejecting me! We could be the strongest being on this planet together!" Venom rings throughout my head

"Shut up! Being Spider-Man isn't about being the strongest! It never was!" I shout

Narrowly avoiding a hanging neon sign, I let go of my web and crash onto the rooftop of an office building. Rolling across the floor for a few moments, I lay there on the ground as I feel a few droplets of water begin falling onto my body, suggesting that it's about to rain.

"You can't deny how good it felt to be together. How powerful we were, how easily it was to take down those pathetic excuses for criminals" Venom's voice continues to ring throughout my head

"I can't deny that..." I say

"Then why reject me?! Why rip away what we could ha-" I cut him off

"That's exactly why I can never accept you! Being Spider-Man isn't supposed to feel good! It isn't supposed to be fun! It's a responsibility! My responsibility! Being Spider-Man is about protecting those who can't protect themselves! About being there for as many people as I can be!" I shout

As it begins to rain heavier, a puddle begins to form next to me as I crawl up to my hands and knees. Looking down at my reflection, I stare at the half of my face that's been engulfed by venom and the other half that still shows just my face...

"You'll never understand the responsibility that this suit comes with...It's something that a heartless creature like you will never understand" I say

"Such a shame...Just when I was starting to prefer you over my original host" he hisses

My head begins to ache as I can feel my body start to get weaker. Collapsing back onto my chest, my vision starts to fade as I desperately try to keep myself awake.

"We will meet again, Kenta Miyamoto. And oh do I look forward to that day" I hear Venom's voice ominously say before I fully pass out...


Jolting awake, I quickly look around to see where I'm as as my breathing rapidly increases.

"I' my dorm room?" I say to myself, confused

Looking around further, even quickly peeking out into the hallways, sure enough I'm actually in my dorm room. Taking a moment to compose myself, I sit on the side of my bed in silence for a moment as I gather my thoughts.

"Okay...I don't know how I got back here but there are two ways that I can currently think of. One: Venom took me back here himself. Two:Someone I know took me back here, maybe Matt? That's the more likely of the two options, I'll have to apologize to him later when I get the chance" I think

Checking the time, I see that I've still a few hours until I'm supposed to actually wake up for class. And while normally what I would do is put on my suit and get in as much patrolling time in as I can...this time, I think I'm just gonna study for the license exams...

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