Part Three-First Day Of School

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Kenta POV
It's been a few weeks since I've taken the exam. Today should be the day that my letter comes to tell me if I passed or not.

"Kenta? Why does it sound so weird where you're at?" My aunt asks over the phone

"Uh...Mei and I are testing out a uh...giant fan, yup, that's what we're doing" I say while web swinging around the city

"A giant fan? Now what would you two need that for?" She asks

"Um...well you know, Mei just thought it'd be a good idea. You know how she is" I say

"Oh I suppose that's true. Well I just wanted to call to tell you that you're letter came" she says

"Is that so? I'll head back home now" I say

"Be safe dear" she says

She hangs up and I start making my way back home.

"To any available officer, there's been a report of a suspicious individual around the abandoned office building in Kamino Ward" I get an alert on my phone

"I'll start making my way back after this little detour" I think

I turn around start web swinging over to the abandoned office building. When I get there, I perch on a nearby building and scout out the place first.

"Yup, still the abandoned office building. Could have just been a person in all black in terms of the police call. I know that happens a lot" I say to myself

Just to be safe, I decide to search all around and inside the building as well. After checking around the area, I climb through a busted down window and start sneaking around inside on the ceiling.

"Time for Building Inspector Spidey to make his return" I think

I carefully inspect each floor all the way until I get to the bottom.

"And Building Inspector Spidey's verdict is...I could have been home by now" I say

I go to walk out of the building when I hear someone talking to themselves from outside.

"Yes master, preparations are underway. The raid on U.A will be taking place soon" says someone in all black with red shoes and what seems like a very wrinkly face.

I watch as the person reaches into their pocket and pulls out what looks like a fake hand and puts it on their face.

"Raid on U.A?! Now that's definitely some suspicious activity" I think

I make sure that the person can't see me as I watch what they do. I watch them as they go down the stairs that lead to the old bar.

"That place is supposed to be locked..." I think

The person takes out a key with specifically four fingers and unlocks the door. They then turn the knob with also four fingers specifically.

"I can't follow the person inside without them noticing me, plus there's the chance there are more people already inside. I'll have to keep a watch on this place and start investing this so called raid on U.A" I think

With that, I swing off and start actually making my way back home this time. When I get close to the house, I change my clothes and head inside.

"I'm home" I say

"Welcome home, you're letter is on the counter" my aunt says

I grab my letter and head over to my room. I clear off my desk and open the letter. Inside there's a disk that I place on my desk and a projection of Powerloader appears.

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