Part Sixteen-Comes Great Responsibility

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
P.S. The song above is SO GOOD! 👌
Kenta POV
"Mei, I wanna make sure you understand this. You cannot tell ANYONE that I'm Spider-Man. No matter how much it excites you" I say as I stand next to my window

"I know I know, I heard you the first billion times!" She says

"I'm just making sure you really understand the importance of this. I know how excited you get about things and how it makes you blurt things out without thinking" I say

"I won't tell anyone, even I know how important of a secret this is" she says

"That also means you can't be openly making the babies you wanna give me...That sounds weird out of context..." I deadpan

"What?! Why not?! It's not like anyone would know!" She says

"Because...I've got a brand to keep so I can't just not make my gadgets my signature colors..." I say while rubbing my neck

"Sigh...Fine. But I expect you to let me into the support department after school whenever you go in there! Power Loader said no when I asked for permission by myself for some reason..." she says

"I wonder why...But I sure, that's fine" I say

"I can't wait to see how my babies will preform!" She excitedly says

"Glad at least one person is excited about you finding out...Anyways, those fingerprints didn't come up with any one that's on an official file, but that's a good thing. It means that it's most likely Shigaraki or at the very least one of his lackeys" I say

"That doesn't really give you much though" she says

"It doesn't, but I'll make it work" I say

With that, I open my window and make sure I've got all my gadgets ready.

"Kenta...Be careful. These League of Villain people seem very dangerous if they'd go as far as to directly attack U.A" she says

"Mei, that's exactly why I've gotta fight them. Because they are dangerous people who will hurt anyone who gets in their way" I say

"That definitely doesn't make me feel better..." she sulks

"I'm sure I'll be fine, after all, I'm the amazing Spider-Man" I say while putting my mask on

I jump out my window and start swinging back into the city.

"These blank prints really don't give me a lot to work with. The best think I can think of is maybe trying to find Black Cat and see if I can get her to take me to the League. But who knows how long that'll take" I think as I land atop a building and perch on the ledge

Just then, I hear a scream for help and I immediately start heading over to the scream.

"Still can neglect my neighborly duties. Maybe a fight will help get my brain into detective mode" I think

Once I get there, I see a woman on the floor as if she's been shoved over.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" I ask as I rush over to her

"S-Spider-Man?! Thank goodness you're here! Some guy just mugged me and ran off!" She says

"Can point me in the right direction? I'll make sure to get him and your stuff back" I say as I help her up

"Y-Yeah, he went that way" she says

She points over to the other side of the alleyway and as I'm looking, I suddenly hear a click on my left wrist. I look at my wrists and see that one handcuff has been put onto it while the other is cuffed to the lady's wrists

The Spectacular Spider Hero| A MHA OC Story (ARCHIVED, RARE UPDATES)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora