Part Seventeen-Dwindling Flames

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Kenta POV
As I'm lying on the ground, vision slowly fading away, I'm able to barely see All Might...but he looks...odd. It's as if all his muscles have been deflated and all that's left is skin and bones.

"All Might...?" I think

The villain starts to taunt All Might, talking about someone named "Nana Shimura" and how they're related to Shigaraki. Which seems to have a massive effect on All Might, leaving him frozen in place in his newly shown form. But, from this silence, a voice speaks up from the debris.

"Don't...lose...All Might...please. Help!" I hear a woman shout

It seems as if those words are able to cut through All Might's state of shock. His right arm starts to grow in size as what looks like yellow electricity, similar to Midoriya's, starts to spark from it.

"Of course, miss. Yeah, there's a lot. A hero has a lot to protect, All For One. That's why I won't lose!" All Might declares

"Even weakened...he still goes on" I think

I slowly start to push myself off of the ground.

"It's a hero's job to protect all those in need of protecting. Even when they feel like they can't go on any longer" I think as I slowly stand up, fighting against the huge stabs of pain in my body

As I stand up, I look at my right spinneret and see that it's clogged up with bloody webbing. I pick up a sharp piece of debris.

"I may not be an official hero, but I will use my powers to help everyone. For that is my responsibility" I think

I jam the debris into my spinneret and a sharp pain shoots up my arm. I ignore the pain and clear up all the clogged up webbing in my spinnerets.

"I won't be going down from just one punch from All Might" I say to myself as I throw the debris aside

I watch as this All For One guy starts to get an attack ready on All Might, when suddenly a huge fire column arises under him.

"What is that form of yours, All Might?!" A familiar voice shouts

"Looks like we made it in time somehow..." another familiar voice says

I look to see that both Endeavor and Edgeshot have arrived to the scene.

"What is that pitiful back?!" Endeavor shouts at All Might

"You think now's the best time to announce my presence to him?" I think

"If you just came to cheer him on, then be quiet and watch like a good audience!" All For One says

His right arm starts to shoot out black and red electricity as he powers up an attack.

"Am I the only one here who doesn't have electricity coming from their body?" I quip as I rush forward

I shoot my bloody webs at All For One's right arm and pull it downwards so that it's not aimed at Endeavor.

"Quiet, you destroyer! We have come to help!" Edgeshot exclaims as he appears behind All For One

Kaumi Woods then jumps into the fray and rescues both Best Jeanist and Mt.Lady.

"This is our job!" He says as he carries them to safety.

Using the web connected to All For One's arm, I pull myself into the air and latch myself onto the back of All For One's head.

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