Part Four-The Calm Before The Storm

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Hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this chapter (:
Kenta POV
A few days of school have passed, things have been going well school wise.

"Get back here Spider-Man! Today is the day I take you in!" Mt.Lady shouts as her and Kamui Woods chase after me

But not so well vigilante wise...

"Can't we talk this out? I'd really rather not get into a fight right now!" I say

"Oh we'll talk alright! We'll talk while we're putting you in cuffs!" She says

"Looks like someone's got a giant problem with me" I say

"Sigh...Please just give up already Spider-Man" Kamui Woods says

"Aw, what's wrong? Wood you like to talk about it?" I ask

"That's it. Lacquered Chain..." he says

"Uh oh..." I say

I somehow manage to escape the two of them and quickly duck down into an alleyway.

"Whew...That was close. Guess they didn't appreciate my puns" I say

I then look to my right and see two dudes just standing there looking at me.

"Uh...hey guys, don't mind me. Just taking a breather" I say

I then see that the guys are standing in front of an open car truck that contains a few boxes of what I assume is drugs.

"This is a very unfortunate day for you two" I say

They both try to run but I web them up and contact the police. I then check the boxes to make sure it's actually drugs and not someone's collection of action figures.

"Sorry guys, guess I was just in the right place at the right time. Can't say the same about you though" I say

"Our boss is gonna be real pissed at you, you know?" The first guy says

"You're boss, huh? Mind telling me who that is?" I ask

"Heh, we work for the Kingpin himself. When he finds out about you, you'll be in deep shit" the second guy says

"Yeah yeah yeah. The classic my boss is gonna be real upset at me, I've heard it a million times. By the way, just saying kingpin isn't very specific, I hear that name all the time. It's not like just one person can be a kingpin" I say

I then hear police sirens get closer.

"That's my queue to leave, tell your boss I said hello" I say

"You won't get away with this!" I hear one of the criminals shout

"They say that every time" I think

I swing off before the police arrive and perch upon a street pole

"Another great day of stopping crime, getting chased by pro heroes, and helping out random citizens. Everyone also loves the suit upgrades so that's made my day a bit better" I say to myself

I take out my phone and take a look at the time.

"Oh crap, auntie is gonna kill me if I'm late to school. I've gotta get going" I say

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