A Dance Begins

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"Well, well, well. Look what we have here."

Blank eyes and a grim face stared through Dream, a silver sword stuck at his throat and a gold crown set upon Eret's head. Dream put his hands up slowly, eyes wide. There was supposed to be time. He was supposed to have time.

"Hello, Eret." He said gravely. If the king had come to collect for himself already, Dream wasn't sure of the fate of Bad.

"Hello, Dream. Been running, have we?"

It wasn't a question. Eret lifted his boot, shoving Dream against the wall and retracting his blade. Sheathing the sword, he turned back toward the mer tanks, simply admiring.

Dream's arm came up, wiping the sweat from the brow of his lip as he staggered back to fully standing. He watched Eret walk through his ship as though he owned it, and he had to hold a scoff from slipping out. Eret stepped further away, closer to the tank near the staircase: George's tank.

"My, my, those are some beautiful scales. That color blue- would make a nice cloak, don't you think?" Eret said as he turned his head over his shoulder to look at Dream once more.

Dream grimaced, knowing Eret couldn't see through him but feeling that way. When Eret turned away again, Dream slowly took a few steps back behind the closest tank, where he knew a few crates were stored.

"Now, I hadn't thought about where you got your money from. Always thought it came from all that looting and pillaging you do, but I never imagined you to be in the trading business." Dream watched the king as he spoke, hiding his hands as he reached towards a larger barrel.

"I suppose it makes sense," Eret continued, "it's a lucrative business. Merfolk? I mean come on, you've got the only supply. Or, well, you did."

Lifting the lid off and setting it aside, Dream was able to grab the leather handle sitting near inside. The thing was intended to be a gift for Tommy when his name day came around, but Dream supposed its use would come sooner now.

Eret shifted focus from George to Quality, similarly enthralled by the rarity of Dream's collection. "I think I'd like to keep these for myself. I know you're paying off your debt and all, but perhaps we can consider this a good substitute. What do you say?"

Dream took a step forward, then another. This was his one chance. If he lost it, he'd be nowhere.

"Shall we consider your debt paid?" Eret turned back around to face the pirate, white eyes glowing unnaturally.

In one swift moment, Dream thrust the rapier forward, only for Eret to step aside. Soon enough, his opponent unsheathed his sword and their dance began.

With a frown on his face, Eret lunged. "Disappointing. I was hoping we could come to an understanding here, but I see you're not fond of my idea."

"Kidnapping my prisoners and taking them for yourself? No, not when they're this valuable, thanks," Dream hissed back while dodging.

A second later, the same silver flashed in front of his eyes and he had to duck to miss it. Swinging his foot out, he held the rapier above his head to block another blow. Yet again, Eret simply stepped out of the way, and Dream let out a frustrated grunt. "Can't you let us pay the rest off on our own!?" Steamrolled his shoulders back and surveyed the king, a moment of rest passing between them.

"I'm afraid I'm rather impatient, Dream. And I'd much rather have these gems than a silly little fortune of gold."

Eret brought his arm forward once more, swinging to the left, then the right, every parry coming from Dream. With each step closer, Dream took a step back, until he felt his heel hit the bottom of the stairs, and he could do nothing but block.

"What a wonderful collection I would have if I took both the merfolk and your crew." His accent was dripping sweetness, and Dream knew then that it had all been a trap.

Bad's capture was meant to bring the pirates to L'Manberg, not actually fulfill a ransom. And when Dream had decided to actually pay it instead of falling for it, Eret came to collect them himself.

Dream was never meant to get out of this fight.

Especially now, because he was about to lose it.

Dream shouted as he shoved back towards Eret, stomping his foot above the other. He swung wildly, leaning back to dodge and turning the pair around.

"You all will make for lovely entertainment. There's nothing like a good hanging to rouse the spirits of the country, yeah?"

Dream barred his teeth, lashing out once more.

Eret turned to the side, narrowly missing the pointed blade. "It's such a shame you'll already be dead for it."

And then the hilt of a handle hit Dream on the head, and everything went black.


Date: 08/06/23
Word Count: 832

Ehehehe....hi. Have 800 unedited words. I've been a little busy, as you might guess. I'm also not as into the fandom as I used to be, but I'm still here, I swear. Even 11 months later, I still crave this fic occasionally.

Happy gay month, and see you next time. Maybe.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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