Chapter 92: The mystery of Rongbao's life is revealed

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Qi Yan snorted coldly and told his men next to him: "Take off his clothes and tie him up and torture him."

The crisp sound of the whip falling on the skin and flesh hurts just to hear it.

After playing for more than ten minutes, the foreigner still didn't let go.

To deal with this kind of person who won't let go, Qi Yan is the most experienced: "Go get dozens of locusts and dozens of locusts..."

Hearing this, the foreigner finally had a little fear on his face. It seemed that he could still understand Mandarin.

Qi Yan continued to ask him in Mandarin, "Are you from that organization?"

The foreigner hesitated for a moment until Qi Yan's men put a box of squirming locusts and slug in front of him, and he immediately let go: "Yes...yes..."

"What does your organization do?" Qi Yan has learned that the organization is engaged in orc trading, and the others have not been investigated.

The foreigner organized his own vocabulary. Maybe he couldn't speak it in Mandarin, so he said his own language: "humanorgantrade." Organ trading.

"You are mainly engaged in this kind of transaction, right? Orcs are just what you produce with. You use other human organs to transfer them to others. To be precise, you use animal organs to transplant to humans... Or transplant humans to animals..."

Qi Yan said to the foreigner in an understatement.

The foreigner marveled at Qi Yan's strength in probing the news, and his eyes widened a little. Judging from his expression, what Qi Yan said was right.

Qi Yan continued: "Those disgusting orcs on the dark web are the deformed monsters you created. In fact, those who buy these orcs behind the dark web are not people with heavy taste, but some biological laboratories. They do research the orcs you produce."

The foreigner didn't say anything after that, because he didn't know much more than Qi Yan.

"I'm not interested in anything else. I just want to know what Rongbao has experienced. Rongbao is your most proud work. Almost every part of him is perfect. Behind this beauty must be bloody biological transformation, right?"

The foreigner didn't dare to look at Qi Yan. He turned his eyes away: "You have investigated clearly. Why do you ask me? I don't know anything. I'm just sent to spy on you."

Qi Yan knew that this foreigner was just the bottom in that organization. It was impossible to know more information. He was not interested in asking any more questions.

Before leaving, Qi Yan looked at the foreigner and said, "What I know is not investigated, but speculated."

A few months ago, Qi Yan asked foreign detectives to help him investigate the life of Rongbao. Detective K sent him an old newspaper more than ten years ago, which was a search notice for a missing child.

It published a little boy with black eyes, a typical oriental face. At that time, Detective K told Qi Yan that the missing little boy was Rongbao.

Qi Yan didn't believe it at that time, because Rongbao's eyes were gray-blue, and the boy in the photo was black.

Later, Qi Yan found that Rongbao's eyes were always gray, and he could rarely see the light. He was not as bright as other people's eyes, as if he was shrouded in fog.

After that, Qi Yan stared at Rongbao's eyes when he had nothing to do. Then he found that Rongbao's eyes were actually injected with a special pigment, covering the original color of the pupil, so he was always gray and there was no light.

The eyes have been transformed, and other places must have been transformed.

Oh... What a cruel truth. Qi Yan didn't want to open it at all, but he still couldn't help but want to see it. His heart hurts very much now, bursts of pain, because he can already imagine Rongbao's previous experience.

The closer to the truth, the more Qi Yan feels for his Rongbao.

Qi Yan walked out of the basement and gestured to his men to get rid of them.

After walking out of the basement, Qi Yan was about to go back to the bedroom when he bumped into Rongbao in the living room.

Rongbao woke up and saw that Qi Yan was missing, so he ran downstairs crying to look for him.

Seeing Qi Yan appear again, Rongbao quickly ran over and threw into the old man's arms. He choked and said, "Master Qi ran away."

Qi Yan bent down and picked up his little lover and kissed him: "I didn't run, I just went to the toilet."

Rongbao hugged Qi Yan's neck tightly for fear that the old man would disappear again.

Qi Yan held Rongbao's little ass, walked upstairs step by step and went back to the bedroom.

When he returned to bed, Rongbao still refused to sleep. He kept staring at Qi Yan and was reluctant to blink.

Qi Yan kissed Rongbao's little face and whispered, "Baby, staying up late is not good for the child in the belly."

Qi Yan concluded that the little boy who disappeared more than ten years ago was the second reason for Rongbao. It was that the last time he lost control and caused Rongbao's fetal movement, and then went to the hospital for a pregnancy test. The pregnancy test found that the child in Rongbao's belly was a normal human child, not a rabbit.

What does this mean? It shows that Rongbao is a human being.

Rongbao continued to stare at Qi Yan and said, "Master Qi is not leaving."

"Where am I going?" Qi Yan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave. I'll sleep with you until dawn."

Rongbao closed his eyes at ease after ensuring that Qi Yan would not leave.

The next day, at nine o'clock, Rongbao woke up, and he was more sleepy during pregnancy.

Qi Yan also slept with Rongbao until more than nine o'clock. After getting up to wash, he didn't come to the table until about ten o'clock. At this time, he had breakfast, which disrupted Qi Yan's regular meal time.

Qi Yan fed Rongbao with milk and said, "Baby, we'll go to the hospital for a pregnancy test later. By the way, we'll see if Qi Feng is dead."

Rongbao licked off the milk from his mouth and said ignorantly, "Qi Feng is going to die."

Qi Yan did not refute Rongbao's words, but only replied, "It's almost time."

After eating, Qi Yan set off for the hospital with Rongbao.

Qi Feng, who was lying on the hospital bed, knew that his uncle was coming. He was so scared that he quickly hid under the hospital bed. The nurse next to him asked him what was wrong.

Qi Feng put the plaster in the other hand, and he could only hold his head with one hand and say, "The devil is coming."

The nurse was about to say that there was no demon. At this time, Qi Yan's expressionless old face appeared at the door. It was really a demon.

The nurse was scared, put her back against the wall, and moved out little by little.

Qi Yan looked at Qi Feng, who was hiding under the bed and trembling: "What are you hiding under the bed? Come out."

Qi Feng came out of his head and looked at the husband with a smile: "Uncle, little aunt, how are you?"

As soon as Rongbao opened his mouth, he asked childishly, "Are you going to die?"

Qi Feng frowned bitterly: "Little aunt, don't say that. It's scary."

Rongbao then said, "You can't die."

Qi Feng was very moved: "Thank you, auntie. With your blessing, I'm likely to live a long life."

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