I'm picked up from the bed and thrown on the ground, right after which he starts kicking me.I curl up, protecting my stomach and chest, but he starts kicking my head. I groan, almost unconscious, hoping that I fall asleep soon and will be able to not feel the pain.

One last hard kick and I'm gone from this world.


Tyler's P.O.V.

I stomp around Quinn's pack house, barely keeping control of my wolf. How stupid these members are, losing a Luna! How do you just let a Luna out of your sight?

"Tyler, Marius says he knows something about May leaving, do yo-"

"Send him here NOW!" I shout at Quinn. I feel bad about yelling at my friend, but this is my mate we're talking about.

I see Marius walk toward me slowly, almost dragging his feet.

"Tell me where she is this instant, or you will never see the light of day again.

"Look, all I can tell you is, she's gone of her own accord. She asked me to help her escape. I guess she isn't as forgiving as you thought." Marius smirks at me, and Before I can help myself, my wolf takes control and I spring at Marius.


May's P.O.V.

I hear quiet chatter going on around me, so I try to stay still to eavesdrop.

"We can't just beat her up every time she opens her mouth. She won't last and killing her is not going to be helpful."

"I need her to be strong and willing to fight. She just let David hurt her this morning. If we're going to get her on our side, and make her fight, she's gotta toughen up."

"There are other ways of doing that."

"If I didn't know better, I would say you feel for her. I will only tell you this once, so listen well- you work for me. You pledged your life to me, and I will use it. Right now, she is the enemy, and will be treated as such. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, go make sure she wakes up soon. I need to talk to her." Oh boy, lucky me, another talk with Mark.

"Ms. Collick? Ms Collick? Wake up" And, once again, I'm slapped on the face.

I'm starting to think these people have a violence tendency.

"I'm up, I'm up."

"Good. Alpha Mark wants to speak to you."

"Alpha Mark? Oh, you mean the backstabbing, lying, little piece of poop that wants to kill me and my mate."

"I suggest you don;t say that to him."

"Gee, why would that be? His awful habit of becoming violent? Or the way he seems to think every word out of my mouth is coming straight from the devil?"

She just shakes her head and leaves the room as Mark walks in.

"Hello May. I have a lot to tell you, so please do not say anything until the end. Got it?"

"Got it." Sadly.

"Good. I'm planning an attack on that pack Tyler's with. The whole pack will go, thinking that they are saving Tyler from being kidnapped. I will kill Tyler at the battle, telling the pack he died trying to get to us. I will give him a heroic death. Then, I will take control of the pack, since Tyler never had any children. I will then mate you until you give me a son. When that has happened, I will kill you too. I will raise this son to be just like me, like an Alpha should be, and no one will stop us. We will soon defeat all the packs, and be known forever as the greatest Alphas that have ever lived. After that, there will be no more humans populating the Earth. Werwolves will be the only ones."

Oh. My. God. He's crazier than I thought.

"Um, a couple of things. One, couldn't Isobel be Alpha? Two, why in the hell would I ever let you mate me?"

"Oh dear child, Isobel, Harry, Quinn, Charlie, they'll all die as well. And of course you'll mate with me. Fr one simple reason- I'm stronger than you." He grins evilly at me and gets up to leave.

"Don't worry, if I have it my way, you'll see Tyler in less than a week.


Hi guys. I don't really have anything to say about this chapter, except, I hope you enjoy.



If at all possible, I would love to get it into the top 100, so keep reading!

Lots of Love,


P.S. Anyone who can tell me what book the "That bas-bad man" line is from will get a dedication.

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